Office of the Provost

Graduate Program Development

 Graduate program Development

For certificates and other graduate programs. Note this process is not required for new concentrations added to existing degree programs.

Be sure you have discussed this program concept with your dean and department chair prior to submitting the concept form.

Step 1:  Initiator completes Graduate Program Concept Form

  •  Form submission triggers an email to the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs for action.

Step 2:  When developing a new graduate programs, including certificates and pipelines, contact the College of Graduate Studies (COGS).

On the College of Graduate Studies (COGS) site, you will find templates for certificate and pipeline programs and other instructions for your review. Under Process Guidelines (page 6) you will find the guidelines and fiscal impact statement.

Step 3:  Initiator submits CIM new program proposal to receive department, college, dean and faculty governance approvals via workflow process.

  • The University will need local governance before state approval. 

Step 4:  The College of Graduate Studies along with the Office of the Provost will review. Together they will meet with dean, and others to review program concept and sends to Academic Finance and Finance for Financial Impact statement.

  • Initiator must submit presentation and fiscal impact statement for review.

For certificates: Also meet with Office of Student Financial Aid to determine Financial Aid Eligibility for Certificate Programs. Complete Request for Federal Financial Aid form.

Step 5:  University Faculty Governance (Faculty Senate/Grad Council) approve program proposal in CIM. 

  • Initiator will make presentation during graduate council as part of the approval process.

Step 6:  Provost review documentation for program approval.

  • Initiator makes presentation to Provost and President on new program, if applicable.

Step 7:  President reviews documentation for program approval.

  • Initiator makes presentation to President on new program, if applicable.

Step 8:  Program is presented to the Board of Trustees, if applicable.

Step 9:  College of Graduate Studies submits New Program Proposal & Financial Impact Statement to the Chancellor's Council on Graduate Studies (CCGS) 

  • Link to guidelines and fiscal impact statement can be found on this page here.

State response with either program approval or denial.

Step 10:  Upon receiving written approval from ODHE, Provost provides signature approval in CIM.  If the proposal is not approved, then revisions begin.

HLC screening form will be completed after Provost’s signature.  If additional HLC approval is required, the program will be notified of next steps.

Step 11:  Registrar adds to Banner, new Program is launched.                                    

  • The initiator receives notifications when new programs are approved via CIM.


If you intend to suspend admissions, should first contact Cathy Zimmer, Director of Academic and Curricular Initiatives in the Office of the Provost for guidance. (

• Colleges suspending a program because it is not accepting new students, should submit an "Inactivate" proposal in the CIM. 
Inactivate = Suspension of Admissions.

CIM inactivation button


  • CIM Inactivate/Suspension of Admission proposals pass through a shortened workflow.

    Graduate workflow
    Initiator- department chair- GR college dean or proxy- Graduate College dean or Proxy – provost - registrar - program final.
  • Once the graduate proposal reaches the College of Graduate Studies (COGS), the dean will work with the UToledo Chancellor’s Council on Graduate Studies (CCGS) representative to notify ODHE of the suspended admission program or certificate (if under CCGS jurisdiction). Upon receiving a letter indicating ODHE approval, COGS will approve CIM proposal for final Provost Office approval and notifications.

  • Graduate programs that have received approval from CCGS for suspension may be reactivated within five years of the suspension to avoid full program review

    • From CCGS,page 18.


      A. Five Year Period Expires
      If admission into a graduate degree program is not reactivated within the specified five-year period, the program will be declared as discontinued. If at a subsequent date after the five-year period the university plans to reactivate a discontinued graduate degree program, the university must seek formal approval from the Chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education, through CCGS, in the same manner as required for approval of a new graduate degree program. In the view of CCGS, disciplinary changes in a specific area of study during a five-year period may be significant enough that a new or substantially revised program may need to be developed.

      B. Discontinuing the Program
      When a university has decided to suspend admissions into a graduate degree program with no plans to reactivate the suspended admissions at a future date, the Graduate Dean should inform the Ohio Department of Higher Education and CCGS that the degree program has been discontinued. It is understood that if the university ever plans to reactivate the discontinued graduate degree program, it will be necessary to seek the approval of the Chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education and CCGS through the established procedures for development of a new graduate degree program. All forms mentioned above are available from the Chancellor’s staff. Reactivation and Curriculum Modification forms must be submitted for review at least four weeks prior to an upcoming meeting of the CCGS.

  • College of Graduate Studies will track the five-year period and notify programs in advance of the five-year deadline for discontinuation will track the five-year period and notify programs at two years and one year in advance of the five-year deadline for discontinuation.
  • The program will notify students still enrolled in the programs that they have five (5) years to complete the degree if the program has not been reactivated before the time has lapsed.
  • Programs that have been suspended or dormant in excess of the timeframe must submit a NEW PROGRAM REQUEST to the state.
  • To reactivate a program within the five-year timeframe, the CIM program proposal must be reviewed and submitted to workflow. The proposal will filter through the full workflow steps. 

After a program suspension of admission/inactivation of a program proposal is fully approved in CIM:

  • University Catalog pages will be removed,  marketing major page ( we be pull from the web site, and college web pages should also be updated.

  • CIM Program Final notifications go to the following roles:  
    • Provost - get notification for approval of all new, all modifications, and inactive and reactivation proposals. Everything.
    • Registrar Programs - get notification for approval of all new, all modifications, and inactive and reactivation proposals. Everything.
    • CATeditor - get notification for approval of all new, all modifications, and inactive and reactivation proposals. Everything.
    • UT Online - gets FYI ONLY notification of all new, all modifications, and inactive and reactivation proposals.  Everything but FYI only.
    • Institutional Research - FSS (For State Subsidy), gets FYI ONLY notification of all new, all modifications and inactive and reactivation proposals. Everything but FYI only.
    • Admissions - gets FYI ONLY notification of all new proposals or program title changes, and inactive and reactivation proposals
    • Graduate Admissions - gets FYI ONLY notification of all new proposals, program title changes, and inactive and reactivation proposals
    • Financial Aid -gets FYI ONLY notification of all new proposals, program title changes and inactive and reactivation proposals
    • Marketing - gets FYI ONLY notification of all new proposals, program title changes and inactive and reactivation proposals
    • Academic Finance - gets FYI ONLY notification of all new and program title changes and inactive and reactivation proposals
    • Accreditation Program Review - gets FYI ONLY notification of all new and program title changes and inactive and reactivation proposals


Last Updated: 7/15/24