College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Message from the Associate Deans for Student Affairs

Dear Parents,

The staff of the Office of Student Affairs is committed to helping your son or daughter achieve success in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. We also need your help. Advising is a key component of the services we provide. Please encourage your student to meet at least once a semester with his or her advisor. Those faculty and staff members who serve as academic advisors have the students’ best interests in mind. Academic advisors can provide information on programs of study, career opportunities, and where to seek help with academic, personal or financial matters. Ask your student their advisor's name. If they don't know, please tell them to stop by the Office of Student Affairs and our staff will be happy to help them become acquainted with their faculty advisor.

To be successful, students need to feel connected to their college. There are many professional student organizations to join and activities in which to participate.  To stay connected, encourage your student to participate in at least one college activity or join one professional student organization. In doing so, they will find friendship and support as they make their way through the rigorous curriculum that leads them to their career goals.

We are here to serve all of our students. The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has Offices of Student Affairs on both the Main Campus and the Health Science Campus.  From our Annual First-Year Fall Fest to our Student Leadership Retreat, we hope the services we provide meet each student's needs.

We welcome your input and suggestions as we assist your daughter or son to pursue their goals.


Photo of  Dr. Holiday-Goodman

Monica Holiday-Goodman, Ph.D., R.Ph
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Health Science Campus – Wolfe Center Room HEB 155
Last Updated: 7/15/24