Counseling Center

Communication Skills Tips

  1. Attending: Orienting yourself towards the person speaking.
  2. Eye Contact: Making contact, but not staring. Respect cultural differences.
  3. Facial Expressions: Consistent with tone of conversation.
  4. Voice: Monitor tone, volume, pauses, speed.
  5. Using I. Focus on your experience and point of view.
  6. Saying No. Setting limits for yourself where you need to.
  7. Use Humor. When appropriate, humor can break down barriers.
  8. Organize. Have a sense of your points in the communication while remaining open to what the other person is communicating.
  9. Be Clear. Speak directly in order to avoid confusion or misunderstandings.
  10. Listen. Remember that communication involves giving and receiving information.
Last Updated: 6/27/22