Counseling Center

Listening Skills Tips

1. Check In. Check in with yourself. Notice if now is a time when you can commit to listening. If not, gently ask for a rain check to continue the discussion at another time.

2. Prepare. Prior to listening, put other things out of your mind and focus on staying present.

3. Stop Talking. Don’t interrupt, talk over, or complete someone’s sentences.

4. Delivery. Pay attention to how someone is communicating (i.e., tone, volume), as it can provide useful information about emotions.

5.  Empathize. Attempt to see the person’s perspective and keep an open mind.

6. Enhancers. Use your nonverbals to show you are listening. Smile, nod, or use “uh huh” while the other person is talking.

7. Focus. Don’t pay attention to other tasks, interests, etc. Focus on the speaker’s words.

8. Be Patient. Don’t jump in to speak the second that there is a pause. Wait until you know the person is done speaking (it’s okay to ask in a gentle way!)

9. Nonverbals. Attend to gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbals, which are important cues in communication.

10. Avoid judgement. People communicate in different ways. Focus on the communicator’s meaning, instead of rejecting the message based on how it is said or the person who said it.

11. Label words. Make a mental image of what you are being told (this helps you remember it later).

12. Reflect. Paraphrase or reflect what you heard to make sure you got it right.

Last Updated: 6/27/22