Counseling Center

CBT Model

The CBT model focuses on interactions between symptoms in 3 areas:  our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When we talk about depression, we add physiological/physical sensations because they are often present in depression. In this workshop we’ll focus on 4 symptom clusters: physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive responses.

Click here for a list of common depressive symptoms sorted by symptom cluster. Take a moment to note the symptoms you experience/have experienced.

Cross Sectional Formulation

The CBT model focuses on interactions between thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and physical sensations. Click here to see an example of the model. This diagram, which we call a cross sectional formulation, allows us to further identify our symptoms and how each of the symptom categories interact with and impact the others. This cross sectional formulation is a fundamental part of this seminar and will frequently be referred to throughout the workshop.

In this example, you can see how one situation can cause someone with depression to experience symptoms in all of the domains. What is important to understand is one symptom domain has the power to cause/increase symptoms in any other domain. For example, someone’s initial reaction to perceived rejection may be to engage in negative self-talk, which then causes them to feel sad and tired and want to avoid other social interaction.

Take a moment to complete your own cross sectional formulation by clicking here. Think about a time when you felt depressed and jot down the corresponding symptoms of depression you experienced. If you’re having trouble thinking of symptoms, review the list of symptoms linked earlier on this page. You can also use the feelings wheel linked here for more guidance.

Why is This Important?

By beginning to label and understand our experiences, we are already beginning to do something different. Understanding is powerful in and of itself, because knowing what's going on creates a better sense of control and provides a step towards acting with intention in managing symptoms of depression.


Last Updated: 6/27/22