Crisis Resources
Mental health crisis
A mental health crisis is defined as perceiving or experiencing an intolerable situation or event that exceeds the person’s current resources and coping mechanisms, resulting in severe mental health symptoms. Examples include suicidal ideation/plan/attempt, homicidal ideation/plan, mania, interpersonal violence, hallucinations, and delusions.
Below is a list of resources for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. If you are experiencing a medical emergency it is important to call 911 or go to an emergency room first.
Local resources
Zepf Crisis Care Helpline
Lucas County Crisis CARE Helpline: 419-904-CARE (2273)
Our Mobile Crisis CARE outreach TEAM is ready to listen and provide aid whenever needed. A trained mental health professional will be available by phone 24/7.
Counseling Center After-Hours
419-530-2426, option 1
The University of Toledo Counseling Center offers 24/7 after hours support.
UToledo Medical Center
Emergency Medicine and Trauma Services
3000 Arlington Ave., Toledo, OH 43614
national resources