University Counseling Center

Eating Disorder Recovery Apps

Helpful smartphone applications to support you through recovery from an eating disorder. 





Promising Review

Recovery Record Recovery Record: Eating Disorder Management Free

Recovery Record is the smart companion for managing your journey to recovery from eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. This app is also intended for people with general eating, weight and shape concerns.

Use for self-help or link with your treatment team's Recovery Record Clinician App to stay connected, co-manage recovery and achieve your goals.

"Eating disorders are really emotionally charged and are hard to work on because for many it’s a coping skill of dealing with other emotionally difficult life experiences. This app was recommended to me by an eating disorder center/clinic and it’s really in depth and if you actually follow through and do the thought diary you provide insight to your recovery process once you are able to review the past days, weeks, months,years, and you’re able to understand the triggers of what’s going on in your life that has lead you to binges (in my case) or other symptoms that better explain your struggle. You have to want to do the work, if it becomes a chore and you’re getting annoyed with it then it’s going to be a rough road from my experience as if it’s a chore for me then I’m not 100% in it or am on that path towards recovery. Turned out to be more motivational I guess but it’s a great app and it’s FREE!!!!! Do the work and have the appropriate support necessary for your recovery and it will make a difference for you, I hope!"

Rise Up Rise Up + Recover Free

Rise Up + Recover is just the app for you if you are struggling with food, dieting, exercise and body image. Based off self-monitoring homework, a cornerstone of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), we designed a convenient and user-friendly app that has been used millions of time around the world.


Rise Up + Recover is the perfect addition to your professional treatment for an eating disorder including anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), obsessive eating disorder (OED), binge eating disorder (BED) and compulsive eating disorder (CED).


"I love this app! As I began recovering from a mix of binge eating and disordered eating I knew I needed to track what I was eating and my emotions at the time. I would track for a day or so and then fall out of the habit. As someone who runs her life on apps I knew if I could find the right one I'd find it so much easier. I've learned through therapy that for me diets are the devil and that I cannot be on a diet and feel emotionally stable. Finding all the usually food tracking apps were obsessed with calorie counting and weight loss, the one thing I needed to avoid! Rise Up was mentioned in a forum and when I looked it up I burst into tears in relief. It's wonderful, tracking all the things I need to and none of those that would be damaging for me. It's really easy to use and they seem to have thought of everything. I also recommend the Recovery Warriors podcast for others' stories and feeling less alone in this."

*Disclaimer: Smartphone applications are not sufficient replacements for mental health treatment. Please contact the Counseling Center (419-530-2426) if you have specific mental health concerns you would like to discuss or if you find yourself needing more support. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, please call 9-1-1 or your local police.*


Last Updated: 7/15/24