Pre-Health Advising Center

Pre-med Prerequisite Courses

This list includes the minimum general requirements for medical school. Research the schools you wish to apply to for their admissions requirements. All coursework other than Human Anatomy and the second math course must be completed prior to, or in progress when taking the MCAT. To ensure proper course scheduling along with your major required course, seek guidance from your Academic Advisor.

Biology Courses

BIOL 2150/2060: Fund. of Life Science I and Lab
BIOL 2170/2180: Fund. Of Life Science II and Lab

Chemistry Courses

CHEM 1230/1280: General Chemistry I and Lab
CHEM 1240/1290: General Chemistry II and Lab
CHEM 2410/2460: Organic Chemistry I and Lab
CHEM 24202470: Organic Chemistry II and Lab
CHEM 3510: Biochemistry I

Social Science

PSYC 1010: Principles of Psychology
SOC 1010: Introduction to Sociology

Physics Courses

Sequence is determined by major.

PHYS 2070: General Physics I
PHYS 2080: General Physics II
PHYS 2130: Physics for Science and Engineering Major
PHYS 2140: Physics for Science and Engineering Majors II



MATH 2600 or 2640: Statistics
One additional Math Course


Academic Guidelines

The mean cumulative GPA is on average 3.77 and the science mean is on average 3.72. Students are encouraged to research the schools of their choice to see the specified minimum requirements.

Application Timeline

Applicants should plan to take the MCAT exam and apply for the schools of their choice one year prior to the desired admission term. Students who begin taking prerequisite courses the first year, should be prepared to take their exam and apply for medical school by the end of the third year in order to matriculate after the fourth year of undergraduate school. Each student's pathway is unique. Processes for applying can be discussed with the Pre-Health Advising Center.

Application Process

The AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) typically opens during the first week of May each year for the following year's medical school class. Applicants can begin working on the application one month prior to submission. For specific application dates and deadlines, visit the Medical School Admission Requirements, the AMCAS website, and the websites of your potential medical schools. Applications for osteopathic medical schools are processed through the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS). It is in a student's best interest to apply early.

Entrance Examination Requirement (MCAT)

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine. Scores are reported in four sections: 1-Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, 2-Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, 3-Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, and 4-Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills. Almost all U.S. medical schools and many Canadian schools require you to submit MCAT exam scores. Many schools do not accept MCAT exam scores that are more than three years old.

Letters of Evaluation/Recommendation

Applicants typically obtain letters from science faculty members, faculty members from the applicant's major department, pre-medical advisors, research supervisors, volunteer coordinators, etc. Information about the non-academic character of a student would be most useful as academic information is already in the application. Students should have their evaluation letters submitted directly through AMCAS and/or AACOMAS.

Useful Resources

Allopathic Medicine
Osteopathic Medicine

Last Updated: 7/15/24