University Police

University Law Enforcement Officer


Starting salary for a University Law Enforcement Officer (ULEO) with academy completed: $56,611 to $57,651 annually depending on shift assignment.  Wage scale includes annual step increases, as well as shift differential.  

Officers who have a Bachelor's degree and meet additional  criteria after four years may be considered for the classification of Senior ULEO, which ranges from $71,845 to $72,885 annually, or Senior ULEO after six years of service ranging from $73,771 to $74,811 annually.

Sergeants, or ULEO 3s, have a pay scale from $78,208 annually to $79,248 annually.


Shift Differential

Shift differential available based upon shift assignments. 


UToledo Officers are part of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), for Law Enforcement Officers. As part of this plan, they may retire at age 55, if they have completed at least 25 years of service in PERS-LE. The employee’s contribution is 13% of each paycheck. The University contributes 18.1%.

The University also provides an extensive  benefits package, which includes medical, prescription drugs, dental, vision, life insurance,  and tuition reimbursement for employees, spouses and dependents.


Candidates for the position of University Law Enforcement Officer (ULEO) for The University of Toledo must meet the following minimum requirements:

Candidates must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age on or before the date of appointment; possess a valid driver's license; meet minimum standards of physical condition/fitness; a valid Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) certificate, be currently enrolled in an OPOTA-certified academy, or be registered to attend an OPOTA-certified academy is preferred, but not required. In addition, candidates must submit to a drug/urinalysis test; have a visual acuity of 20/20 corrected; it is preferred to have completed 96 quarter hours/64 semester hours of college level academic credits from an accredited college or university (having earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher); OR education may be substituted with two (2) years of continuous active full-time law enforcement experience (as a state-certified peace officer) with a state certified law enforcement agency.

Selection Process Phases


Phase 1 – Law Enforcement Examination (National Testing Network) 

The first phase of the ULEO selection process is the entry level law enforcement examination phase and the completion of the Personal History  Questionnaire . The National Testing Network (NTN) will be used to administer the entrance examination and the Personal History Questionnaire. Visit the NTN web site at: and select law enforcement jobs in Ohio – University of Toledo Police Department.

Please review the requirements for the ULEO position and schedule a law enforcement examination accordingly. Testing centers are located throughout Ohio, and you may choose the date, time, and testing center of your choosing. After successful completion of the entrance examination, a University representative will notify you of the next steps in the ULEO selection process.

TESTING CLOSING DATE: All testing must be completed on or before ONGOING. Should the candidate be unable to meet this closing date, you may still complete NTN testing and will be considered for the next positioning opening.   Applicants are then ranked on the basis of their final score on the law enforcement examination.

Phase 2 – Interview Assessment Panel

An interview panel will be convened by the Chief of Police for purposes of evaluating each applicant on their responses to a series of pre-selected questions. This panel is commonly made up of police command officer(s); police officer(s); members of the University community; and members of other entities as designated by the Chief of Police.

Phase 3 – Chief and Deputy Chief of Police Interview Assessment

Applicants will also be interviewed by the Chief and Deputy Chief of Police. 

Phase 4 – Background Investigation

A University of Toledo Police Department Background Investigator will be assigned to conduct your pre-employment background investigation. The Investigator will utilize information contained in your completed background packet in addition to information from other sources. You will note that the packet covers in part, the following: Personal and family history; marital status; education; military service (if applicable); employment history; previous law enforcement applications; traffic record history; criminal record history; police contact history; general information inquiry; and personal references. 

The background investigation phase normally takes a minimum of four (4) weeks to complete; however, in some instances it may be longer, particularly if you have had past jobs or residences in other cities or states. Should you have any questions at any point during the background investigation phase, you should contact your Background Investigator. 

NOTE: Certain contents of your background investigation may be considered confidential police records and thus, not available for release to you for review. Furthermore, your responses on the background packet will be subject to verification including verification via source documentation.

Phase 5 – Conditional Offer of Employment

Applicants who advance to this phase will be offered a “conditional offer of employment” by the Chief of Police or his designee. This offer of employment is “conditional” based on the applicant successfully passing the remaining phases of the selection process.  

Phase 6 – Pre-Hire Psychological Assessment 

Applicants who are advanced to this phase are notified of such examination. The pre-approved certified assessment vendor will then contact the applicant to schedule the in-person examination appointment. 

Phase 7 – Medical / Drug Urinalysis Examinations

The applicant will be required to complete an employment medical examination conducted by a licensed physician selected by The University of Toledo. The purpose of the examination is to determine the applicant’s general medical fitness for being a University of Toledo Law Enforcement Officer. The examination will include pre-employment drug urinalysis screening.

Upon successful completion of the medical and drug urinalysis examinations, the applicant will be eligible for employment as a University of Toledo Law Enforcement Officer. 

Phase 8 – Field Training Officer Program

Newly hired University of Toledo Law Enforcement Officer’s will be required to successfully complete a regimented Field Training Program. In addition to this program, newly hired officers will start a probationary period lasting a period of twelve (12) months. Officers successfully completing both the Field Training Program and the probationary period will advance to becoming a permanent University of Toledo Law Enforcement Officer.

Disqualification Criteria

Prior to applying, candidates are strongly encouraged to review the 'disqualification criteria' to ascertain if he/she meets one or more of the listed disqualifying factors.  


Voluntary Waiver of Appointment

If a candidate meets disqualification criteria or a candidate wishes to be voluntarily removed from the selection process, s/he should complete the following 'waiver of appointment' form and follow instructions accordingly:


The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

Last Updated: 7/15/24