Engineering Technology

Industrial Advisory Boards

Each program in the ET Department maintains close consultation with an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). The information on this page describes the role, membership and operation of these IABs. For more information about a specific IAB, follow the links at the bottom of this page.


The role of the Industry Advisory Board in the Engineering Technology Department is to assist and advise the Department in its efforts to achieve excellence in all ET programs through the following activities:

  1. Advise regarding issues related to our instructional, applied research and service activities.
  2. Participation in the Department's assessment process through:
  • Review and evaluation of strategic goals, plans, and new initiatives.
  • Real-world input for the program's curriculum, educational objectives and learning outcomes.
  1. Provide support in expanding and strengthening mutually beneficial relationships with industry, present and former students, and government agencies.
  2. Assist in the development of resources for the department through endowments, gifts, scholarships and fellowships, faculty development grants and awards.
  3. Other assistance may include student recruitment for summer internships, co-op positions and permanent employment.


At present, there are four (4) Industry Advisory Boards supporting five program areas in the ET Department: Computer Science & Engineering Technology (CSET); Information Technology (IT); Construction Engineering Technology (CET); Electrical Engineering Technology (EET); and Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET). The CSET and IT boards are a single board. Membership on these boards is by invitation from the program director. Selection of members is based on the pertinence of a particular industry segment to the program and the person's interest in contributing to the stated program objectives. Membership is not limited to former students of the department, but each IAB typically has an appropriate number of program graduates who serve effectively. Prospective members may be nominated by members of the departmental faculty or by any member of the IAB. In some cases, a board member may send a company representative to board functions if he or she is not available.

If you are interested in serving on one of our IABs, please contact Nasser Alaraje via email for more information.


Each board consists of approximately 10-15 members. Members serve three-year terms and may be reappointed.


The IAB chair is appointed by the director of each ET program area for a period of two years and may be reappointed.


IAB meetings are usually held twice a year, once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. Meetings normally last one or two hours and are scheduled to avoid significant conflict with professional responsibilities. Meeting frequency may vary according to the needs of the program.


To view the current IAB members for any ET program, click on the appropriate link below.

Computer Science Engineering Technology & Information Technology  IAB Member List

Construction Engineering Technology IAB Member List

Electrical Engineering Technology IAB Member List

Mechanical Engineering Technology IAB Member List

Last Updated: 7/15/24