Department of Music

Student Recital Programs

The UT Department of Music is happy to provide printed programs for its students' recitals. However, it is the student's responsibility to prepare the program information, ensure its accuracy, have it reviewed by his or her faculty member and provide it to the Music Department office with ample notice in time to get it printed.

Below is a guide to help you gather the kinds of information you'll need.



  • Type of Recital & Instrument (Examples, “Student Voice Recital” “Graduate Student Percussion Recital”)
  • Student Name
  • Name of accompanist (if any, or just put “none”)
  • Day and Date of the Recital
  • Time of the Recital
  • Location of the Recital 


List songs/pieces in order of performance. Your faculty member will indicate specifically how the music or movement is to be expressed. In general though, list the full name of the work and which movement(s) you are playing. If it is a song from a larger work such as an opera or musical, name the work. List the name of the composer for each piece and also the name of the arranger, if that applies. Be sure to include the composer's birth/death years. If the composer is still alive, you should still list the composer's birth year. List birth and/or death years for the arranger as well. You can list the year of the composition also if you like, but it is not required.

TRANSLATIONS (voice recitals)

If you will be singing lyrics in a foreign language in your program, please provide the lyrics first in the language of origin followed by the translated lyrics in English. Unless you translated the lyrics yourself, you will need to provide the source of your translations (see below). Lyrics in English do not need to be provided in the program, unless your instructor has asked that you do so. Please ask them if you have questions.


If you provide translations or program notes in your program, and you didn’t translate the lyrics yourself or write the program notes yourself, you will need to provide a citation of where you got your information. At minimum you will need the name of the author or the source. Follow any attribution instructions the author/source provides, such as how they wish to be listed and if they wish to be notified or asked permission before you can use their work. Please check with your instructor to see if you have provided enough information.


Please provide a brief biography about yourself. In general, this bio is meant to convey to the reader your experiences as a musician—your education in music, major influences, accomplishments and goals. This bio should include how long you have studied music, where and with whom, and any awards, interesting music experiences or noteworthy past performances. You might also list any major interests you have or organizations with which you are active, especially if they are music related.


This is your opportunity to thank those who have supported your career in music—family, friends, faculty, etc.


If an accompanist and/or other musicians will also perform during the recital, please list them and their instruments or voice parts.


Indicate your faculty member and your degree program for this recital. Example: “Mary Smith is a student of Dr. John Jones. This recital is given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music Performance in Trombone.”


Download and Use the Program Template (MS Publisher software required to use)

A Publisher template is available to help you lay out your program. This is the ideal way to prepare your program, since it helps you get your program ready for your hearing also. Publisher software is part of the Microsoft suite of software that includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint and is only available on Windows-based PC's. (Currently, the Mac computers in the Music lab do not offer this software.) However, there are Windows-based PCs in computer labs all over campus that do have this software. Download the template and save the document to your personal hard drive or portable flash drive before making any changes to it. Save it by naming it so that it includes your name. Example:  When you are done, save your file and email it to

Email Your Program Text

Even though Publisher is a fairly easy-to-use program for basic layout, you may or may not feel comfortable using it. If so, you can just email the text for your program. Follow the guide above to be sure you have included all the necessary information for your program. Either way, your program information must be complete and must be provided electronically. Paper copies will NOT be accepted. Email your program text to  


Before you submit your program to the Department of Music office for printing, you must have it approved by your instructor. When you provide a draft of your program at your hearing, your instructor will either approve it or indicate changes to be made. Once you have received your instructor's final approval, you are ready to submit your program to the department office for printing. You must submit your program information electronically via email to Angela Riddel in the Department of Music office at least 1 week prior to your recital. 

Angela will email you a print draft PDF. Please reply and indicate if you have changes or if the draft is ready to print. Also, indicate the number of copies.

Last Updated: 7/15/24