Department of Psychology

Justin Leiter-McBeth

Publications & Conference Symposia

Collura, T., Stahl, C., Berry, B., Leiter-Mcbeth J., "A Brain Functional Dynamic Approach to Counseling and Therapy", in Handbook of Clinical QEEG and Neurotherapy ed. Thomas F. Collura and Jon A. Frederick (Abingdon: Routledge, 17 Nov 2016)

Haigh, S., Matteis, M., Coffman, B., Murphy, T., Butera, C., Ward, K., Leiter-McBeth, J., Salisbury, D. (2017). Mismatch negativity to pitch pattern deviants in schizophrenia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 46(6), 2229-2239.

Coffman, B., Haigh, S., Murphy, T., Leiter-Mcbeth, J., & Salisbury, D. F. (2017). Reduced auditory segmentation potentials in first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 195, 421-497.

Leiter-McBeth, J., Pritchard, K., Fairchild, K., Radatz, E., & Mezo, P. (April 2019). Mindfulness and Self-Management in the Context of Reported Negative Life Events and Perceived Social Support. Talk Presented as a part of a symposia at the Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Haigh, S., Coffman, B., Murphy, T., Buter, C., Leiter-McBeth, J., & Salisbury, D.F. (2019). Reduced late mismatch negativity and auditory sustained potential to rule-based patterns in schizophrenia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 49(2), 275-289.

Haigh, S., Laher, R., Murphy, T., Coffman, B., Ward, K., Leiter-McBeth, J., & Salisbury, D. (2019). Normal categorical perception to syllable-like stimuli in long term and in first episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 208, 124-132.


Leiter-McBeth, J., Lackner, R., Fresco, D. (March 2015) Convergent Validity of The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium at Kent State University, Kent, OH. Awarded 2nd place

Leiter-McBeth, J., Coffman, B., McCathern, A., Murphy, T., Haigh, S., Salisbury, D. (September 2017) Multisensory Integration in Chronic and First Episode Schizophrenia. Poster presented at the Annual BACI Conference, Bern, Switzerland.

Fribance, S., Coffman, B., Murphy, T., Haigh, S., Leiter-McBeth, J., Salisbury, D., (September 2017) Deficits in Attentional Modulation of Auditory Stimuli in First Episode Schizophrenia. Poster presented at the Annual BACI Conference, Bern, Switzerland.

Laher, R., Haigh, S., Murphy, T., Coffman, C., Ward, K., Leiter-McBeth, J., Salisbury, D. (May 2017) Is Categorical Perception of Syllables Intact in Long-Term and First-Episode Schizophrenia? Poster presented at the Annual Biological Psychiatry Conference, San Diego, California.

Fribance, S., Coffman, B., Murphy, T., Leiter-McBeth, J., Haigh, S., Salisbury, D. (May 2017) Deficits in Attentional Modulation of Sensory ERPs in First Episode Schizophrenia. Poster presented at the Annual Biological Psychiatry Conference, San Diego, California.

Leiter-McBeth, J., Pritchard, K., Fairchild, K., Radatz, E., & Mezo, P. (November 2019). Heart Rate Variability and Mindfulness. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, Georgia.

Last Updated: 7/15/24