Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS): Drs. Meyer and Mihura are two of the developers of a new empirically-based Rorschach system. The new Rorschach system has been presented in many conferences and workshops in the U.S. and internationally. The R-PAS manual is due to be published by September 2011.
Society for Personality Assessment (SPA): One of our favorite professional societies, full of fun people, interesting topics, and great conferences. Dr. Mihura is currently the President-Elect of the Society and Dr. Meyer served for 12 years as the editor of the Society's journal (JPA).
Journal of Personality Assessment (JPA): One of our favorite journals. Dr. Meyer is the former editor of JPA and a current consulting editor, and Dr. Mihura is a consulting editor.
The International Personality Item Pool (IPIP): A great collection of public domain self-report personality assessment items - measuring constructs like the Big Five personality factors, borderline personality, and social attitudes.
Effect sizes and meta-analysis: An effect size indicates the strength of relationship between two variables (e.g., a treatment and outcome; a predictor test and a criterion). Effect sizes provide a common metric that enables us to directly compare results across different studies and to combine these results in a meta-analysis that generates an overall statistic indicating the validity of a test or impact of a treatment. For more information about how to compute effect sizes see the basic effect size guide (with SPSS and SAS syntax) prepared by Meyer, McGrath, and Rosenthal or Michael Furr's PDF file of effect size formulas. You can also read about meta-analyses at Lyons' website, which also provides an online effect size calculator.
- Psychology Education Guides that include career profiles, licensing & certification data by state, interviews with mental health professionals, and occupational outlooks for the industry. You can see the guide here:
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