University Teaching Center

Classroom Support Services

Helpful Links

Echo360 update

Active Learning Classrooms

SM 2040, SM 2050 and SM 2160 have been transformed into Active Learning classrooms.  Feel free to reach out to Classroom Services if you might be interested in teaching in these General Purpose spaces in the future or would like to take a look at what they have to offer.

Click here for more information on Active Learning Classrooms

Turning Technologies - TurningPoint

The TurningPoint (Clickers) is a classroom response system to increase class interactivity and improve student engagement. As an additional benefit, the system enables both students and instructors to get real-time feedback on class effectiveness.

The system comprises a receiver and handheld input devices (clickers). Receivers are installed in all of UT's classrooms. TurningPoint clickers are fully ADA-compliant.

Here are some materials to help faculty acclimate with the updates/changes with TurningPoint 8:

Click Here for Start-of-the-Semester Best Practices

Find out what's new in Turningpoint - Explore Turningpoint's additional features

Upcoming TurningPoint Webinars and Informational Sessions


Welcome to the Classroom Support Services webpage. Our goal is to provide prompt, quality technical support, consultation and training for the classroom arena on both the Main and Health Science Campuses. Do not hesitate to contact us with your needs or questions. We will assist you promptly, or make every effort to connect you with the appropriate person or department. Please consider us your one-stop support and facilitator in the classroom. We look forward to working with you.

Michael Haar
Director of Classroom Support Services Instructional and Research Technology
Carlson Library CL-0500A
Phone: 419-530-2656 (Monitored 24/7)
Fax: 419-530-2542


Classroom Support Services Staff

Main Campus Health Science Campus
Kevin Amos
Instructional Media Specialist I
Main Campus

Teri Vapenik
Instructional Media Specialist I
Health Education Building HEB 106

David Midtvedt
Instructional Support Specialist
Carlson Library 0500
419-699-5670 (texting only)

William “Marty” Self
Instructional Media Specialist I
Health Education Building HEB 109

Steve Smith
Instructional Media Specialist I
Carlson Library 0500


Hours of Operation

Main Campus

Monday - Thursday: 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Health Science Campus

Monday - Friday: 7:00  AM - 3:30PM

Last Updated: 7/15/24