3D Printing

Services: Anatomical Segmentation

Anatomical segmentation services offer a unique pre-print opportunity to create custom 3D digital and printed models for use in clinical and surgical planning as well as patient education. Working with a radiologist, the medical illustrator meticulously separates and isolates desired anatomy layer by layer using the patient's imaging data set, such as CT or MRI. These isolated layers are then used to create a digital 3D model specific to the patient and their unique anatomy. Digital models represent a life size digital anatomical representation that can become a printed physical 3D model or viewed in a virtual space.

Creating segmented anatomical models requires specific imaging protocol for an accurate model generation. In general, depending on the desired region of visualization, data sets that will guarantee the best results for an accurate model include:

• Proper imaging modality
• Scan slices at 1.0 mm or less
• Use of contrast agents for vasculature

Please contact us for specific imaging requirements for your project prior to ensure patient's are imaged properly to prevent excess radiation exposure (when warranted).

* To ensure patient privacy and compliance with HIPAA regulation, all CT and MRI patient files are anonymized and void of any personal information prior to printing.

Last Updated: 8/22/24