3D Printing

3D Print Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I get something printed?
2. How much does it cost to have a model 3D printed?
3. What if I have an idea but do not have a model?
4. Can I make a model for clinical use or patient-specific models?
5. Can a model be both printed and viewed digitally on a computer?
6. What kind of models can be printed?  Does it have to be a medically related model?
7. Are you the only department at UToledo that has 3D print capabilities?
8. What if I have questions additional questions not answered here?
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1. How do I get something printed?

Please fill out the 3D print estimate request form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

2. How much does it cost to have a model 3D printed?
Costs for creating a 3D printed model can widely vary .  Depending on where the work starts, costs are associated with model creation, pre-print preparation, actual print time, print materials cost, post-print finishing, and print delivery.

3. What if I have an idea but do not have a model?
We have the ability to create custom models both from a reference object or completely from scratch.  We can take an idea and help create a prototype that can actually be used.

4. Can I make a model for clinical use or patient specific models?
Through a process called segmentation, we use several types of radiological modality data sets to create a patient specific anatomical model for patient education, clinical, or academic use.  **All models are HIPPA compliant**

5. Can a model be printed and viewed digitally on a computer?
Yes.  We can import almost any 3D model into an online interface and view it in three dimensions. 

6. What kind of models can be printed?  Does it have to be a medically related model?
Though our print service is primarily focused on printing models to help advance health science education and improve patient care, we do offer our services to non-health related modeling and printing when time permits.

7. Are you the only department at UToledo that has 3D print capabilities?
No.  There are a variety of 3D printers on both of UToledo's main and health science campus.  The Polymer Institute in UToledo's College of Engineering does have several kinds of 3D printers also available for use at cost.  However, to our knowledge, we are the only UToledo department that offers design services at cost.

8. What if I have additional questions not answered here?
Please contact us at 3dprinting@utoledo.edu

To learn about the general additive manufacturing process from design to final part for those who have
never 3D printed before, visit


Last Updated: 7/15/24