
slideshow 1slideshow 4slideshow 2slideshow 6slideshow2slideshow 3slideshow 7slideshow 8slideshow 5NSC1Urology residentsslideshow1Urology residentsSignage - Toledo
The objective of the Urology Department at the University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences is to train urologists of the highest quality with the knowledge, clinical acumen and surgical skills to care for the entire spectrum of urological disorders.

We believe in a rigorous academic training program with a strong didactic schedule, busy surgical caseload, and a valuable research experience. Particular emphasis is placed on teaching our residents the importance of establishing strong physician-patient relationships by the priority we place on continuity of care.

We believe that faculty must dedicate themselves to teaching and that residents must demonstrate a strong commitment to learning. We expect that the residents trained in our program will become leaders in the urology community and that they will practice urology with personal integrity, high ethical standards, and respect for the rights of patients entrusted to their care.

Read more about our clinical services on our University of Toledo Medical Center webpage.

Last Updated: 7/15/24