Master of Public Health Program

Mission and History of Program


The program’s mission is to promote, protect, and improve the well-being of all populations and advance health equity in Northwest Ohio and across the globe.

In support of its vision and mission, the MPH program has these goals:

  • Effectively educate and train students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for public health practice in the community
  • Conduct and disseminate research that foster public health knowledge and promotes health equity in the community
  • Engage faculty, students, and community partners in collaborative service activities to build capacity and advance health equity in the community


Since 1997, the Master in Public Health (MPH) degree has been offered by the Northwest Ohio Consortium for Public Health (NOCPH), a partnership between Bowling Green State University (BGSU) and the University of Toledo (UT). A decision has been made by both universities to dissolve NOCPH.

Beginning in Fall 2018, MPH students will be admitted to the University of Toledo. BGSU will offer a Master of Health Services Administration. This change allows each university to provide students with options that rely on the strengths of the faculties at each institution as well as options for graduate students. Beginning in Spring 2019, no MPH classes will be offered through BGSU.

During this transition, MPH students entering the program in the Fall of 2018 will work with a new plan of study reflecting the program changes. MPH students already pursuing the degree retained their current plans of study. New courses have been developed to replace courses formerly offered through BGSU. Two new majors have been created.

The University of Toledo MPH offers four concentrations that prepare public health professionals for the 21st century in a variety of disciplines. Public Health graduates are employed in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, hospitals, manufacturing facilities and schools.

Students enrolled in the MPH may combine the degree with other university graduate degrees to form a dual degree or with other MPH majors to form a dual major.

The University of Toledo Master of Public Health is accredited by the Council for Education in Public Health (CEPH).


MPH Students Admitted for Fall 2018 and After Click Here

Last Updated: 7/15/24