Bachelor of Science in Recreation Therapy


Holly Eichner

Holly Eichner, Ph.D., CTRS-BH

Associate Lecturer
Recreation Therapy Program Director
School of Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: HH 1022
Mail Stop 119
Phone: 419.530.4500
Fax: 419.530.4759

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Dr. Eichner is a proud first-generation college student, who earned three degrees at the University of Toledo.  She is currently the Program Director and a Lecturer in the Recreational Therapy program. She has earned her specialty certification in behavioral health making her a CTRS-BH. Dr. Eichner's professional experience has included work with consumers throughout the life span receiving services in mental health, substance abuse, vocational rehabilitative, physical rehabilitation, Veteran services, and palliative/hospice care.  Dr.  Eichner has presented at several professional conferences in the areas of Recreation Therapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation. She is also a proud volunteer of the Toledo Metroparks where she teaches tai chi courses. 

Eric Longsdorf

Eric Longsdorf, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Chair, School of Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
Interim Chair, School of Intervention and Wellness

Office: HH 2503B
Mail Stop 119
Phone: 419.530.2742
Fax: 419.530.2477

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Eric has been a full time faculty member in Recreation since 2000. His current research interests include Green Initiatives in Parks and Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Research Ethics, as well as Accreditation and Curriculum.

Wendy Maran

Wendy Maran, M.A., CTRS, CDP

Associate Lecturer
School of Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences 

Office: HH 1024
Mail Stop 119
Phone: 419.530.4955
Fax: 419.530.4759

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Wendy’s area of expertise in the Field of Recreation Therapy is Relaxation/stress management, recreation therapy techniques for neurologically impaired individuals, and programming. She has been a practicing Recreation Therapist for more than 30 years, in a variety of settings.


Last Updated: 7/15/24