Office of Undergraduate Research




About Us

The goal of the Office of Undergraduate Research is to expand the research and scholarship possibilities to better serve the diverse undergraduate student population at UT.


The primary objectives of this office are to:

  • be a focal point for research opportunities for undergraduates. 
  • be an advocate for increased funding of undergraduate research at UT. 
  • showcase research accomplishments of our undergraduates. 
  • be a resource for faculty members to increase undergraduate involvement in their research. 
  • be a resource for the community and local industries to increase their involvement in undergraduate research. 
  • aid in the integration of a research component to existing courses and/or development of new research-intensive courses. 
  • coordinate undergraduate research involvement with the other offices at UT including: the Office of Research, the Honors College, the Office of Service Learning, and the various departments, colleges, and/or academic programs.
Last Updated: 7/15/24