Meet the Advisory Council for Undergraduate Research (ACUR)
The Advisory Council for Undergraduate Research (ACUR) is comprised of faculty members representing each of the individual colleges across campus. The goal of ACUR is to oversee, advise, and assist the Office of Undergraduate Research in promoting and conducting undergraduate research at The University of Toledo. ACUR serves as the selection committee to determine the award recipients of the university wide, internally funded undergraduate research programs which include the Undergraduate Summer Research and Creative Activities Program (USRCAP), the First-Year Summer Research Experience (FYSRE), and the Academic Year Research Program (AYRP).
College of Arts and Letters
Dr. Ammon Allred
Dr. Jamie Ward
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Dr. Michael Young
College of Business and Innovation
Dr. Jennifer L. Stevens
Judith Herb College of Education
Dr. Michael Toland
College of Engineering
Dr. Yuan Tang
College Of Health And Human Services
Dr. Tom McLoughlin (Health Services)
Dr. Brandon Wood (Human Services)
Jesup Scott Honors College
Dr. Kasey Tucker-Gail
University Libraries
Wade Lee-Smith
College Of Medicine And Life Sciences
Dr. Jasmine JingYuan Liu
College Of Nursing
Dr. Mary Jean Ohns
College Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dr. Virender Kumar
Office of Research And Sponsored Programs
Dr. Rick Francis
Office of Undergraduate Research
Chessica Oetjens, Program Manager