Office of Undergraduate Research

Support for Faculty Mentors

The Office of Undergraduate Research is committed to help foster strong, healthy and productive relationships between mentor/student. Faculty mentors are an imperative part of the planning, development, and implementation of undergraduate research projects.

General Tips for Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers at The University of Toledo:

  • Discuss the overall objectives ad expectations of the student.
  • Inform the student of all compliance and ethical issues regarding their research.
  • Mentor the student's research project throughout the term, which should include regular communication through oral or written feedback on the project in its various stages.
  • Encourage student participation in a broader research community. 
  • Review and approve the students end-of-term assignment prior to admission.

Resources to support effective mentoring practices:

Council on Undergraduate Research

Web Guide to Research for Undergraduates

The Mentoring Role in Undergraduate Research Projects

How to Communicate Effectively in Graduate Advising

How to Share the Process of Graduate Advising

Student stipend/Employee information

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs has created a form to determine if a student should be hired as a student employee or via a Stipend.  The forms can be found at or can be found individually by clicking below. 

Student Stipend Payment Procedure

Student Stipend/Employee Determination Form

Students who are funded through the Office of Undergraduate Research are automatically considered for Stipends. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24