College of Law

Law Staff

Explore our Administration page for bios and contact information for Toledo Law deans and faculty directors. You may also access faculty contact information within our faculty profiles.

Abu-Absi, Kate
Program Manager, Alumni and Student Engagement
Dean's Office
Office: LC 2002D
Phone: 419.530.5108
Mail Stop: 507

Birch, Jodie K.
Business Manager
Office: LC 2002E
Phone: 419.530.5110
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

Blausey, Kimberly
Paralegal 1
Legal Clinics
Office: LC 1035
Phone: 419.530.4236
Fax: 419.530.2605
Mail Stop: 507

Brazeau, Sandy
Administrative Assistant 

Dean's Office
Office: LC 2000D
Phone: 419.530.5103
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

Caldeira, Amber
Assistant Dean for Admissions
Office of Admissions
Office: LC 1015E
Phone: 419.530.5107
Fax: 419.530.2439
Mail Stop: 507

Carlozzi, Alexa
Administrative Assistant
Office of Professional Development
Office: LC 1030
Phone: 419.530.2851
Fax: 419.530.7922
Mail Stop: 507

Dickerson, Derek
Executive Assistant to Interim Dean Rebecca E. Zietlow
Dean's Office
Office: LC 2000B
Phone: 419.530.7877
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

Goheen, Rick
Assistant Dean for the LaValley Law Library
Office: LC 3009 
Phone: 419.530.2945
Fax: 419.530.5121
Mail Stop: 508

Kall, Daniel
Registrar - Law
Office of the Registrar
Office: LC 2000
Phone: 419.530.5098
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

Keller, Lucas
Program Coordinator - Tax Clinic
Office: LC 2009A
Phone: 419.684.8822

Kirby, Cindy
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Dean's Office
Office: LC 2000E
Phone: 419.530.2937
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

Lohman, Judson
Supervisor, Marketing and Communications
Office of Communications
Office: LC 2000R
Phone: 419.530.4712
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

McCarty, Mickey
Librarian I
LaValley Law Library
Office: LC 3014
Phone: 419.530.2949
Fax: 419.530.5121
Mail Stop: 508

Rosebrock, Deveny
Director of Development
Office of Development
Office: AD 1022
Phone: 419.530.5415
Mail Stop: 507

Rospert, Megan
Assistant Registrar - Law
Office of the Registrar
Office: LC 2000
Phone: 419.530.2935
Fax: 419.530.4526
Mail Stop: 507

Schmidt, Laura E.
Admissions Analyst I
Office of Admissions
Office: LC 1015
Phone: 419.530.4131
Fax: 419.530.4345
Mail Stop: 507

Schuyler, Katie
Director of the Office of Professional Development
Office: LC 1030D
Phone: 419.530.4996
Fax: 419.530.7922
Mail Stop: 507

Smieszek, Lauren
Program Coordinator
Office of Admissions
Office: LC 1015A
Phone: 419.530.4514
Mail Stop: 507

Walker, Laken
Program Manager, Financial Aid
Office of Admissions
Office: LC 1015F
Phone: 419.530.7929
Mail Stop: 507

Youngpeter, Abby
Program Manager
Office of Professional Development
Office: LC 1030B
Phone: 419.530.5128
Fax: 419.530.7922
Mail Stop: 507

Last Updated: 1/24/25