College of Law

Legal Institute of the Great Lakes Fellowship

The Legal Institute of the Great Lakes is a multi-disciplinary research center within the College of Law. The Institute supports research, maintains publications, and sponsors conferences on legal, economic, and social issues of importance to the Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada.

About the Fellowship

A Great Lakes Fellow will receive a $1,000 stipend for the academic year. Over the course of the academic year, the student will spend 4 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters, on average, on research related to legal issues important to the Great Lakes region. These issues include environmental concerns, state and local government arrangements, and federal-state issues. The research may result in periodic blog posts analyzing emerging cases, scholarship, and regulatory proposals; a comment responding to a proposed agency regulation; or legal or policy analysis in some other format. The Fellow will also help organize and execute the annual Great Lakes Water Conference.

Application & Selection Criteria

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis but preference will be given to applications received by June 27, 2024. Depending on funding, one or two Fellowships may be available.

The fellowship will be awarded to a 2L or 3L student who has shown high academic achievement and who demonstrates an interest in the work of the Legal Institute of the Great Lakes.



Evan Zoldan
Director of the Legal Institute of the Great Lakes and Professor of Law

Last Updated: 7/15/24