College of Law

LaValley Law Library Media Services

The Media Services unit of the LaValley Law Library provides instructional media support for The University of Toledo College of Law. Media Services also supports events in the McQuade Law Auditorium.

You may have seen Media Services personnel while attending one or more Toledo Law events. Event operations is an important part of providing instructional media support. In addition, Media Services supports professors in the classroom, including training, multimedia assistance, and technology troubleshooting. Media Services also works to ensure that Toledo Law’s technology infrastructure meets Toledo Law’s instructional media needs.

Please contact Media Services at We prefer that you contact us through the LAWAV email account because all Media Services staff members have access to the LAWAV account. If you do not use the LAWAV email account it may impact our ability to provide service to you.

Ryan Overdorf, our former Senior Electronic & Media Services Librarian, has accepted a position at another instititution. Until the position is filled, Media Services is operating on a triage basis. If you need to contact Media Services, please use the email account which can be accessed by our remaining librarians.

Please familiarize yourself with the policies applicable to your request. All requests will be filled according to policy. Not all equipment and/or services are available for all rooms or purposes.


General Policies Applicable to all Services

The LaValley Law Library Media Services unit provides various technological equipment and services to authorized users in accordance with the unit's service level policies.

Media Services does not authorize or schedule the use of College of Law facilities. Only the College of Law administration has this authority.

Media Services does not provide non-technological equipment (e.g., tables) and services.


Last Updated: 7/15/24