College of Law

Aya Beydoun

Aya Beydoun

Law students will find that their externship experiences enable them to enliven their formal education and to learn valuable legal skills. Aya Beydoun was grateful to have this type of opportunity with the Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan-Family Division. "[This experience] taught me how to separate my emotions from the practice, and it made me comfortable with courtroom proceedings."

  • Hometown: Dearborn Heights, Mich.
  • Class Year at Time of Experience: 3L
  • Legal Interest Areas: International law and property law
  • Experiential Learning Opportunity: Public Service Externship
  • Employer: Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan-Family Division
  • Experience Timeframe: Summer 2022

Q&A with Aya Beydoun

What type of work did you do?
I was placed in the family law division where I attended trials, conducted extensive legal research, drafted briefs and motions.

How did Toledo Law prepare you for this experience?
Toledo Law prepared me for this experience in many ways. The first is with my legal writing. If I did not take lawyering skills, my legal writing would not be up to par for this externship. I would have had a hard time getting adjusted. Professor Maara Fink also helped prepare me for my externship by taking the time to teach us the essentials. Lastly, the staff at Toledo Law lead by example. They are the epitome of professionalism and integrity.

What were the benefits of participating in this experience?
By participating in this experience, I gained a mentor, priceless lessons, and firsthand insight into what it takes to be a outstanding lawyer. I learned lessons that will stay with me forever. I am beyond grateful for this amazing opportunity, and I recommend everybody do as many externships as possible.

How will this experience help you advance your career goals?
This experience took me out of my sheltered environment and taught me about the real world and heartbreaking issues that happen frequently. It taught me how to separate my emotions from the practice, and it made me comfortable with courtroom proceedings, which in turn will help me in my career. I also met many new faces and built countless connections that have opened many doors for me.

Why did you choose Toledo Law?
I chose Toledo Law because of the intimacy. It is one of the few law schools that allow students to have a relationship with their professors. It offers a rigorous curriculum but plenty of flexibility. I truly appreciate how caring the faculty are, they will go out of their way to ensure you succeed. That is what sets Toledo Law apart from the rest of the law schools and why I am glad to be a Rocket.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
My advice for incoming students is to focus on themselves and how they can succeed as law students and aspiring lawyers and less on what their classmates are doing. I also recommend going into law school with an open mind. You are not required to pick a specialty practice so take electives, you may decide to practice in a field that you would've never expected to.

What are your plans after graduation?
My plans after graduation are to take the UBE and to move abroad to practice international law. This experience has helped me build connections that will help me with my plans.

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Last Updated: 7/15/24