College of Law

Amy Scruggs

Amy Scruggs

Externships allow students to expand their skills beyond the classroom. During her externship with Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Amy Scruggs discovered that being an advocate for clients is one of the most valuable skills to acquire. "I learned that along with having a legal education, soft skills are also important in being an attorney. I was able to see that connecting with clients and listening to their needs are so important."

  • Hometown: Holly, Mich.
  • Class Year at Time of Experience: 2L
  • Legal Interest Areas: Family Law, Immigration Law, and Civil Litigation
  • Experiential Learning Opportunity: Public Service Externship
  • Employer: Legal Aid of Western Ohio
  • Experience Timeframe: Fall 2022

Q&A with Amy Scruggs

What type of work did you do?
I was able to work with victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sex trafficking. I conducted legal research, prepared numerous motions, attended hearings, and was able to assist in writing an appellate memo for the Sixth District Court of Appeals.

How did Toledo Law prepare you for this experience?
Toledo Law prepared me for this experience by letting me practice my legal research and writing skills. It has also given me a sound foundation of the law that was needed for this externship.

What were the benefits of participating in this experience?
I was able to work with the most amazing people who inspired me so much. I learned that along with having a legal education, soft skills are also important in being an attorney. I was able to see that connecting with clients and listening to their needs are so important. This externship showed me that being an advocate for your client is so important. This experience had a huge impact on me as a person. I have the deepest respect for survivors of abuse and I was so thankful to get to work with such strong and amazing survivors. Each of the clients I had the opportunity to work with reaffirmed why I want to practice law, which is to make a positive change in my community. I am truly thankful for that experience.

How will this experience help you advance your career goals?
This experience has advanced my career goals by giving me tons of hands-on learning. It helped me build my confidence as a law student that I will carry into any other job opportunities.

Why did you choose Toledo Law?
I chose Toledo Law because of the strong legal community that Toledo has. I love being part of such a tightknit and supportive legal community.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
My advice for incoming students is to make friends in your 1L year. My friends have made law school so enjoyable and I can't imagine not having them. I also encourage incoming students to ask lots of questions in class and meet with professors outside of class if you are ever confused. Toledo has amazing professors who are also so helpful, and I encourage every incoming student to take advantage of that.

What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation I plan to sit for the Michigan Bar and hopefully practice law in Southeast Michigan. This experience has made me want to practice somewhere in the public interest sector.

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Last Updated: 7/15/24