College of Law

Maha Zeidan

Maha Zeidan

Maha Zeidan was the first recipient of the Sara E. Rios Memorial Fellowship for Social and Racial Justice, which provides students the opportunity to pursue public interest and nonprofit work. Maha's experience with the Michigan Advocacy Program allowed her firsthand experience on the vital role attorneys take in clients' lives and the importance of preparation.

  • Hometown: Canton, Mich.
  • Class Year at Time of Experience: 2L
  • Legal Interest Areas: Medical malpractice and criminal law
  • Experiential Learning Opportunity: Public Service Fellowship
  • Employer: Michigan Advocacy Program
  • Experience Timeframe: Summer 2022

Q&A with Maha Zeidan

What type of work did you do?
Family law matters.

How did Toledo Law prepare you for this experience?
I have not taken a family law class, however there have been many information events hosted focused on public interest work. Speaking to people who work in the field before entering it helped me to have a better understanding of what public interest work is capable of accomplishing.

What were the benefits of participating in this experience?
Being able to participate in court hearings was a good experience that allowed me to feel more confident in wanting to be a litigator. I've learned that if you are knowledgeable of the law and of your clients' circumstances you will be prepared for anything. This is critical especially in the public interest sector due to the lack of access to resources the clients often face. To have a well prepared attorney could change their entire life.

How will this experience help you advance your career goals?
I have been improving my time management and task management skills. Working in public interest presents difficulty for many people due to the high demand for assistance, it is very easy to take on much more than you can handle. What I have learned is that will be vital to the quality of your work. This experience has taught me to really focus on quality over quantity and to pace myself in the future.

Why did you choose Toledo Law?
Toledo Law has some amazing reviews about the professors and administration. There seems to be a sense of community, that is something I was seeking. It is also close to home for me, and family is important to me.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
Self-discipline is extremely difficult to attain for many, but it is possible, for me that is the key to success in law school and in the future.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am still unsure of the exact direction I will head in after graduation, I do not want to limit myself, I want to cover as much as I possibly can in the legal world before choosing one specific path I’d like to remain on.

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Last Updated: 7/15/24