College of Medicine and Life Sciences

Strategic Plan 2024 Header

The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences is dedicated to improving health in the communities and region we serve. We do this by educating excellent clinicians and scientists, by providing patient centered and high-quality care and by producing nationally recognized research in focused areas. Read more about our mission.

More information to come as we work toward our College of Medicine and Life Sciences Strategic Plan 2024.

College of Medicine and Life Sciences logo

Strategic Plan Goal Committees

As the University has rolled out a new strategic plan, we have been tasked with aligning our COMLS strategic plan with the University’s. Find the list of established goals below. We are in the process of creating six committees, each dedicated to addressing one of these goals.

We solicited nominations, including self-nominations, for membership on the UToledo COMLS Strategic Plan Goal Committees, through Dec. 1, 2023. For more information, please connect with


Goal 1: Ensure Student Success From Recruitment Through Graduation


  • Implement an Enrollment Management Plan That Prioritizes Student Success
  • Enhance Recruitment, Outreach and Communication to Prospective Students
  • Elevate Student Success Through Learning Support and Timely Degree Completion
  • Invigorate Campus Life and Student Experiences

Goal 2: Deliver Relevant and Innovative Academic Programs


  • Identify and Prioritize Relevant and Strategic Academic Programs
  • Enhance Student Learning, Access and Opportunities Through Multiple Curricula Delivery Modalities
  • Better Utilize Academic Structure for Programmatic and Financial Efficiencies
  • Emphasize Healthcare-Related Academic Programs that Build on UTMC Strengths

Goal 3: Set the Standard for Health Education and Patient Care


  • Provide Students With Nationally Recognized Academic and Research Experiences
  • Increase Healthcare Quality, Safety and Patient Satisfaction
  • Integrate the Clinical Enterprise to Drive Efficiency and Healthcare Excellence

Goal 4: Distinguish UToledo Regionally, Nationally and Internationally


  • Develop and Promote Community Engagement and Strategic Partnerships
  • Invest in and Support Research and Innovation
  • Continue Upward Trajectory in National Rankings
  • Highlight Unique Strengths and Advantages of a UToledo Education
  • Continue to Elevate UToledo in Areas of Sustainability

Goal 5: Foster a People-Centered Culture


  • Promote a Culture of Respect, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Attract and Retain the Best and the Brightest
  • Provide Opportunities to Connect Students, Faculty and Staff with our Community, Alumni and Donors

Goal 6: Position UToledo for Future Success Through Financial andOperational Effectiveness


  • Implement and Assess the Incentive-based Budget Model
  • Strengthen Alumni and Donor Engagement
  • Increase Fundraising Opportunities and Major Investments
  • Align UToledo’s Physical Footprint With Current and Future Utilization Needs
  • Invest in Strategic Capital Improvement Projects
  • Increase Sustainable Operations

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See 2020 Strategic Plan

Last Updated: 7/15/24