Electron Microscopy Facility 

Research Services

We offer Electron Microscopy and Histology services for those interested in adding them to their research studies.  Contact us for a short consultation before submission of samples.

Instructions for Electron Microscopy Research Samples(Tissue Submission Instructions PDF)

 Tissue Sample Collection (i.e., kidney, tumor specimens):

  • Place minced (1 mm cubes) specimen in 3% glutaraldehyde immediately.
  • Send specimen at ambient temperature in a vial containing 3% glutaraldehyde.

Special Instructions:

  • Muscle tissue: specimen should be collected with a Price Muscle Clamp.
  • Specimen must be fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde for 24 hrs while attached to clamp.

Nasal or Ciliary Mucosal Biopsy:

  • Should be placed in Cell or Viral Culture Transport Media.  Important: DO NOT FIX the specimen.  
  • Optimal time for obtaining best results is to send tissue within 1 to 2 hrs of collection.
  • Send immediately to Dr. Gunning at the address below.

Delivery Times: Send specimen at ambient temperature via overnight delivery.  Samples are accepted and run Monday through Friday.  The laboratory is CLOSED weekends and holidays.

Testing Method: Standard tissue processing methods for Electron Microscopy are used to obtain ideal sections for analysis. 

Specimen Analysis: Direct examination of tissue ultrastructure


Instructions for Histology Research Samples

Contact Allen Schroering for histology research samples. 


Specimen Delivery Address:

Via Courier:

Via Fed Ex or DHL:

Pathology Laboratory
University of Toledo Medical Center
3000 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, OH 43614
Phone: (419) 383 - 3752
Attention: Dr. W.T. Gunning
Department of Pathology
University of Toledo
Health Science Campus
Block Health Sciences Bldg., Room 029
3000 Transverse Drive
Toledo, OH 43614-5804
Phone: (419) 383 - 3484




Last Updated: 7/15/24