Student Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
J.D. Michaels Physician Assistant Student Society
The J.D. Michaels Physician Assistant Student Society aims to promote the Physician Assistant (PA) profession within the University of Toledo (UT) and throughout the greater Toledo community. Members of this society represent the UT PA program on both the state and national levels. The J.D. Michaels Physician Assistant Student Society is registered as a member of the Student Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (SAAAPA) and is eligible to participate in the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) National Medical Challenge Bowl, the AAPA Assembly of Representatives (AOR), and the AAPA House of Delegates (HOD) meetings.
Members of the J.D. Michaels Physician Assistant Student Society participate in a number of events in the community and on campus, including: National PA Week, The Race for Victory, Hampton on the Trail, and participation in numerous other events.
Class of 2023 SAAAPA Executive Board:
- President: Chris Markules
- Vice President: Rachel Ensman
- Treasurer: Kyle Kudela
- Secretary: Evan Gravedoni
- AOR Representative: Bernie Tippen
- OAPA Representative: Maddison Siegrist
- Historian: Alexis DeAngelis
- Diversity Chair: Mohammed Najjar
Annual SAAAPA Events:
- February: Patch Ceremony. The 1st year SAAAPA members will present the UT PA Student Patch to the 2nd year PA students prior to the beginning of their Clinical Year. Congratulations on completing your didactic year, and entering your clinical year!
- May: SAAAPA's Medical Challenge Bowl team competes nationally at the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) conference.
- June: State challenge bowl competition and Ohio PA workshop.
- August: Ice cream social with new incoming class.
- September: Annual Race for a Cause! This is a nonprofit 5k race to support a local charity.
- October: PA week
Faculty Advisor
Carolina Wishner, MD, MPH
Associate Program Director
Assistant Professor
Physician Assistant Studies