Publications and Reports
Francy, Donna S, Brady, Amie M.G., Ecker, Christopher D., Graham, Jennifer L., Stelzer, Erin A., Struffolino, Pamela, Dwyer, Daryl F., Loftin, Keith A. 2016. Estimating microcystin levels at recreational sites in western Lake Erie and Ohio. Harmful Algae, 58:23-34.
Rofkar, JR and DF Dwyer. 2013. Irrigation of three wetland plant species and a hyper accumulating fern with arsenic-laden solutions: observations of growth, arsenic uptake, nutrient status, and chlorophyll content. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 15:561-572.
Rofkar, J.R., D.F. Dwyer and **D.M. Bobak. 2013. Uptake and toxicity of arsenic, copper and silicon in Azolla caroliniana and Lemna minor. International Journal of Phytoremediation. In press; accepted September, 2012.
Barnswell, K. and Dwyer D. 2012. Two-year performance by evapotranspiration covers for municipal solid waste landfills in northwest Ohio. Waste Management. 32:2336-2341.
Barnswell, K.D., and Dwyer, D.F. (2011) Assessing the performance of evapotranspiration covers for municipal solid waste landfills in northwest Ohio. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137: 301-305.
Rofkar, J.R. and D.F. Dwyer. 2010. Effects of light regime, temperature, and plant age on uptake of arsenic by Spartina pectinata and Carex stricta. Accepted
Awondo, S.N., K.J. Egan and D.F. Dwyer. 2010. Valuing the water filtration benefits from restored wetlands utilizing the multivariate poisson-lognormal model. Marine Resource Economics.
Rofkar, J.R., D.F. Dwyer and D.M. Bobak. 2010. Uptake and toxicity of arsenic, copper, and silicon in Azolla caroliniana and Lemna minor. Chemosphere. In review.
Rofkar, J.R. and D.F. Dwyer. 2010. Growth, nutrient status, and chlorophyll content of three wetland species after prolonged irrigation with arsenic-laden solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. In review.
Chowdhury, R., D. Apul, and D.F. Dwyer. 2009. Preliminary studies for designing a wetland for arsenic treatment. In: Groundwater Modeling, Management, and Contamination; L. F. Konig and J.L Weiss, eds. pp.187-202.
Barnswell, K.D. and D.F. Dwyer. 2007. Vascular flora of the King Road landfill in northwest Ohio. Ohio Journal of Science. 107:91-103.
Rofkar, J.R., D.F. Dwyer, and J.M. Frantz. 2007. Analysis of arsenic uptake by plant species selected for growth in northwest Ohio by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 38: 2505-2517.
Francy, D. S., Grahan, J. L., Stelzer, E. A., Ecker, C. D., Brady, A. M. G., Struffolino,
P. and Loftin, K. A. 2013 - 2014. Water quality, cyanobacteria, and environmental
factors and their relations to microcystin concentrations for use in predictive models
at Ohio Lake Erie and inland lake recreational sites. United States Geological Survey,
Water-Resources Investigations Report SIR2015-5120.
Stelzer, Erin, Keith A. Loftin, and Pamela Struffolino. 2013. Relations Between DNA-
and RNA Based Molecular Methods for Cyanobacteria and Microcystin Concentration at
Maumee Bay State Park Lakeside Beach, Oregon, Ohio, 2012. United States Geological
Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 2013-5189.
Egan, K. and D.F. Dwyer. 2008. The Value of Restoring Wetlands for Maumee Bay State Park Beach Visitors. Report findings prepared for Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments.
Francy, D., P. Struffolino, A. Brady, and D.F. Dwyer. 2005. A Spatial, Multivariable Approach for Identifying Proximate Sources of Escherichia coli to Maumee Bay, Lake Erie, Ohio. United States Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 2005-1386.
Maumee Bay Wetlands Feasibility Reports
PhD Dissertations & Master's Theses
Long, Danielle. 2013. The Role of Retention Time and Soil Depth on the Survival and Transport of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in Biosolid-amended Agricultural Soil. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Jackwood, Ryan. 2013. Predicting Fate and Transport of Fecal Bacteria through Soils Using an Advection-Dispersion Model. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Gorr, Matthew. 2011. Arsenic Remediation Using Constructed Treatment Wetlands. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Struffolino, Pamela.2010. Identifying Sources of Escherichia coli to Maumee Bay, Oregon, Ohio. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Bobak, Deanna. 2010. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Characterization in Otter Creek, Northwest Ohio. (Daryl F. Dwyer, Advisor)
Modeling Diffusion Using an Agent-Based Approach. (Defne Apul, advisor)
Barnswell, K.D., 2010. Determining Preliminary Components for a Landfill Evapotranspiration Cover. Dissertation. Ph.D. (Daryl F. Dwyer, Advisor).
Jordan Rofkar: 2010. An ecologically engineered system for remediation of arsenic-contaminated water: selecting plant species for northwest Ohio. Ph.D. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor)
Duncan, Alexander. 2009. Evaluation of Azolla caroliniana to phytofiltrate arsenic
from contaminated water. (Johan F. Gottgens, advisor).
Nelson, Donald E. 2009. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of marinas,
Western Basin Lake Erie, U.S.A. (Alison L. Spongberg, advisor).
Gallant, Patricia S. 2008. Geophysical signatures of Quaternary sediments in Lucas
County: University of Toledo. (Donald Stierman, advisor).
Oyewumi, Oleyinka. 2008. Sorption characteristics of soils for heavy metal uptake
within some landfill sites in northwest Ohio. (Alison Spongberg, advisor).
Scarbro, Jona. 2006. Microbial transport through the vadose zone of a biosolid- amended cropland: implications for land application of Class B biosolids and surface water quality: University of Toledo. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Barnswell, Kristopher D. 2005. Phytoremediation potential at an inactive landfill in northwest Ohio: University of Toledo. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Rofkar, Jordan. 2005. Arsenic accumulation by plant species selected for growth in northwest Ohio: University of Toledo. (Daryl F. Dwyer, advisor).
Presentations *denotes invited presentation
Jackwood, Ryan and Daryl Dwyer. 2016, July 20th, Strategies for Improving Water Quality on a Watershed-Scale: Enhanced Wetland and Riparian Habitat (poster). American Water Works Association – Annual Conference and Exposition. McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, IL.
Jackwood, Ryan and Daryl Dwyer. 2016, April 15th, Improving Water Quality with Ecosystem Restoration. Presentation to EPA Staff. Ohio EPA Northwest District Office, Bowling Green, OH.
Jackwood, Ryan and Daryl Dwyer. 2016, March 11th, Improving Water Quality with Ecosystem Restoration. Spring Forum on Environmental Health Sponsored by the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department. St. Luke’s Hosptial, Maumee, OH.
Struffolino, Pamela. (2015). Improving Water Quality for Maumee Bay: Restoring Ecosystems for Health. 9th Biennial State of Lake Michigan/15th Annual Great lakes Beach Association Joint Conference. Acme, Michigan. October 28 - 30, 2015.
Jackwood, Ryan. (2015). Restoration Projects to Reduce Phosphorus and E. coli Loadings into Lake Erie: From Concept to Implementation. Spring Forum on Environmental Health Sponsored by the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department. St. Luke’s Hosptial, Maumee, OH.
Struffolino, Pamela. (2015) Improving Water Quality for Maumee Bay: Restoring Ecosystems for Health. Midwest Workshop for Sanitarians Sponsored by the Ohio Department of Health. Quest Conference Center, Columbus, Ohio. March 19, 2015.
Presentations and Posters
Jackwood, Ryan. (2015). Restoration Projects to Reduce Phosphorus Loadings into Lake Erie: From Concept to Implementation (presentation). International Association for Great Lakes Research Annual Conference. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.
Jackwood, Ryan. (2015). Restoration Projects to Reduce Phosphorus Loadings into Lake Erie: From Concept to Implementation (poster). Midwest Graduate Research Symposium. University of Toledo, Toledo, OH.
Jackwood, Ryan. (2015). Natural Treatment Systems to Improve Nearshore Health and Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution (poster). Binational Lake Erie Public Forum. Maumee Bay State Park, Oregon, OH.
Jackwood, RJ., Dwyer, DF, Mayher, ML. (2014). Natural Treatment Systems to Improve Nearshore Health and Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution. Lake Erie Binational Public Forum. Oregon, Ohio, Sept. 26 - 27, 2014.
Jackwood, Ryan, Dwyer, Daryl. (2013). Role of Retention Time and Soil Depth on transport and Survival of Esherichia coli. 2013 National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Conference & Workshops. Cleveland, Oh, October 28-30, 2013
Dwyer, Daryl F., Spongberg, Alison L., and Brothers, Candice E. (2013) Effectiveness of Rice Hull Biochar on the Adsorption of Soluble Phosphorus in a Batch Equilibrium Study. 125th Anniversary Meeting of The Geological Society of America . October 27 - 30th. Denver, CO.
Rofkar JR, Dwyer DF, and Petruzzi WG. (2013). A bioberm for remediation of groundwater at the site of a former manufactured gas plant. 10th International Phytotechnology Conference. Syracuse, NY.
Long, D.M.*(2013) Role of soil depth and retention time on the survival of E. coli, Enterococcus and F+ coliphage in biosolid-amended agricultural fields. Central Catholic High School,
Toledo OH, January 22nd, 2013.
Long, D. M.* Restoring Wetlands at Maumee Bay State Park Clean Water, Safe Beaches. Earth Fest. University of Toledo, Toledo OH, April 22nd, 2013.
Long, D.M.* R.W. Jackwood, J.R. Rofkar, P.M. McLain, and D. F. Dwyer (2013) Predicting the Roles of Soil Depth and Type on Transport of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in Biosolids Using an Advection-Dispersion Model. Midwest Graduate Research Symposium. The University of Toledo, Toledo OH, April 20th, 2013.
Long, D.M.* R.W. Jackwood, J.R. Rofkar, P.M. McLain, and D. F. Dwyer (2013) Predicting the Roles of Soil Depth and Type on Transport of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in Biosolids Using an Advection-Dispersion Model. Ohio Academy of Science Regional Science Consortium. The University of Findlay, Findlay OH, April 6th , 2013.
Brothers, C., J. Fugate, and C. Maike* (2013) Subsurface Geophysical Profiling of the Oak Openings Sand Ridge. The Mid-central Graduate Student Association Meeting, May 4th, 2013
Barnswell, K. D., Dwyer, D. F., and Struffolino, P., Increased Accuracy in Predicting Water Quality at Swimming Beaches Using a Time Adjusted Environmental Model. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Cornwall, Ontario Canada.May 2012
Pamela Struffolino, Daryl F. Dwyer, & Amie Brady. 2012. Continuing Efforts to Improve a Water-Quality Model for a Recreational Beach. 12th Annual Great Lakes Beach Conference Mackinac, MI. October 16 – 18.
Long, D. M.* and D.F. Dwyer. (2013). Human Biosolids and Sustainable Agriculture: The Role of Retention Time and Soil Depth on Survival and Transport of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp., and Coliphage in Biosolid-amended Agricultural Soil. Sustainable U conference, Toledo OH, November 1st, 2012.
GLRI Helping to Restore Wolf Creek. Kris Barnswell, Daryl Dwyer, & Jordan Rofkar. Presented to Maumee RAP December 2012
Pamela Struffolino, Daryl F. Dwyer, Amie Brady,& Kristopher Barnswell. (2011). Development of a Predictive Water-Quality Model for Recreational Beaches. EPA’s National Beach Conference. Miami, Fl, March.
Barnswell, K.D., and Dwyer, D.F., Assessing the performance of evapotranspiration covers for municipal solid waste landfills in northwest Ohio. Oak Openings Research Forum, Toledo, OH, Jan. 15. (poster)
Kristopher D. Barnswell, Steven J. Choc, Pamela Struffolino, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Designing a constructed wetland for water quality enhancement at Maumee Bay State Park on the
southwestern coast in Lake Erie: Phase 1 ‐ monitoring loadings of Escherichia coli, suspended solids and total phosphorus. 10th Great Lakes Beach Association Conference. Erie PA, October 2010.
Pamela Struffolino, Daryl F. Dwyer, & Amie Brady. Development of a Predictive Water-Quality Model for Recreational Beaches. 10th Great Lakes Beach Association Conference. Erie PA, October 2010.
Koloini, Kristopher and Daryl F. Dwyer. Monitoring loadings of Escherichia coli, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids entering Maumee Bay via the Wolf Creek
Watershed. Posters at the Capitol, Columbus, OH, April 15, 2010.
Struffolino, Pamela, Amie Brady, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Developing a predictive recreation water-quality model for beaches at Maumee Bay State Park. Lake Erie Beach Conference, Parma, OH. January 22, 2010.
Barnswell, Kristopher D. and Daryl F. Dwyer. Field water balance of evapotranspiration covers in Northwest Ohio. The 65th International Phytotechnology Conference, St. Louis, MO. December 2-4, 2009.
Barnswell, Kristopher D. and Daryl F. Dwyer. Manufactured soil for a landfill evapotranspiration cover using dredged sediment. Tenth International In Situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium, Baltimore, MD. May 5-8, 2009.
Choc, Steven, Adam R. Waltz, and Daryl F.Dwyer. Water quality trends and models for the design of wetlands used to treat drainage water entering Lake Erie. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Toledo, OH. May 18-22, 2009.
Duncan, Alexander M., Matthew W. Gorr, Jordan R. Rofkar, Kristopher D. Barnswell, Johan F. Gottgens, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Plant mediated reductions of arsenic levels in flow-through wetlands. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Toledo, OH. May 18-22, 2009.
Gorr, Matthew and Daryl F. Dwyer. Modeling and design of wetland microcosms to use in design of arsenic remediation. The 25th International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, Amherst, MA. October 19-22, 2009.
Krantz, David E., Abby N. Norton, Jessica L. Knapp, Alison L. Spongberg, Timothy G. Fisher, and Jonathan A. Fuller. Upper Quaternary stratigraphy and post-glacial history of western Lake Erie. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Toledo, OH. May 18-22, 2009.
Rofkar, Jordan R., Alexander M. Duncan, Kristopher D. Barnswell, Patricia M. Armenio, Jonathan Frantz, and Scott A. Heckathorn. Effects of nitrogen on boron toxicity in Azolla caroliniana. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Toledo, OH. May 18-22, 2009.
Rofkar, Jordan and Daryl F. Dwyer. Kinetics of arsenic uptake by plant species selected for phytoextraction in northwest Ohio. Tenth International In Situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium, Baltimore, MD. May 5-8, 2009.
Rofkar, Jordan, Daryl F. Dwyer, Alexander M. Duncan, and Deanna M. Bobak. Effects of silicon on arsenic uptake and toxicity in Azolla caroliniana. The 65th International Phytotechnology Conference, St. Louis, MO. December 2-4, 2009.
Stierman, Donald J. and David E. Krantz. Geophysical methods for Quaternary research and environmental investigations in the Great Lakes basin. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Toledo, OH. May 18-22, 2009.
Duncan, Alexander M., Johan F. Gottgens, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Azolla caroliniana: a model for arsenic remediation. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque,
NM. August 2-7, 2009.
Shalabi, Jill and Defne Apul. Toward a sustainable treatment system for arsenic-laden wastewater. Air and Waste Management Association 102nd Annual Conference and Exhibition, Detroit, MI. June 16-19, 2009.
Barnswell, Kristopher D. and Daryl F. Dwyer. Field water balance for evapotranspiration
covers in northwest Ohio. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of
Toledo, Toledo, OH. October 24, 2009.
Gorr, Matthew and Daryl F. Dwyer. Modeling arsenic remediation in wetlands. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. October 24, 2009.
Rofkar, Jordan and Daryl F. Dwyer. Effects of silicon on uptake and toxicity of arsenic and copper in Lemna minor. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. October 24, 2009.
Sapkota, Pratibha, Defne Apul, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Agent-based model for diffusion in water and porous media. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. October 24, 2009.
Choc, Steven and Daryl F. Dwyer. Escherichia coli and sediment load monitoring in Berger Ditch with implications for reduction of water
quality advisories at Maumee Bay State Park, Oregon, OH. International Association
of Great Lakes Research, Peterborough, Ontario. May 19-23, 2008.
Duncan, Alexander and Johan F. Gottgens. Evaluation of the fern Azolla caroliniana to phytofiltrate arsenic from contaminated water. Landscape Ecology and Forest Management: Challenges and Solutions International Conference, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China. September 16, 2008.
Rofkar, Jordan and Daryl F. Dwyer. Rates of uptake by plant species selected for phytoextraction of arsenic in northwest Ohio. The Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA. May 19-22, 2008.
Choc, Steven and Daryl F. Dwyer. Source identification and monitoring for a wetlands
solution to reduce Escherichia coli at Maumee Bay State Park, Oregon, OH. American Society for Microbiology, Boston, MA.
June 1-5, 2008.
Wright, Robert E., Jr., Andrew G. Heydinger, and Daryl F. Dwyer. An Assessment Of Alternative Cap Covers For The King Road Landfill. GeoCongress 2008: The Challenge of Sustainability in the Geoenvironment, New Orleans, LA. March 9-12, 2008.
Barnswell, Kristopher D. and Daryl F. Dwyer. Vascular plants of the King Road Landfill,
Lucas County, Ohio. Ohio Academy of Science, Toledo, OH. April 12-13, 2008.
de Saint Victor, Colin and Daryl F. Dwyer (given by Steven Choc). Escherichia coli in recreational waters of Maumee Bay State Park: source identification and a treatment solution. Ohio Academy of Science, Toledo, OH. April 12-13, 2008.
Krantz, David E., Mario R. Castanada, James Fisher, and Timothy G. Fisher. Stratigraphy and sediment processes of Maumee Bay and the adjacent shoreline, Western Lake Erie, Ohio. Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting: Evansville, IN. April 24-25, 2008.
Oyewumi, Oluyinka and Alison L. Spongberg. Comparative study of cadmium, copper and nickel adsorption in three brownfield sites, northwest Ohio. Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting: Evansville, IN. April 24-25, 2008.
Rofkar, Jordan and Daryl F. Dwyer. Screening plant species for phytoremediation of
arsenic in northwest Ohio. Ohio Academy of Science, Toledo, OH. April 12-13,2008.
Barnswell, Kristopher D. and Daryl F. Dwyer. Manufactured soil for a landfill evapotranspiration
cover using dredged sediment. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University
of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008.
Choc, Steven and Daryl F. Dwyer. Water monitoring, hydrologic models and wetland design in Berger Ditch. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008.
Duncan, Alexander M. and Johan F. Gottgens. Evaluation of the fern Azolla caroliniana to phytofiltrate arsenic from contaminated water. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008.
Nelson Jr., Don E. and Alison L. Spongberg. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of recreational boating marinas, Western Basin, Lake Erie, U.S.A. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008.
Rofkar, Jordan and Daryl F. Dwyer. Uptake kinetics of arsenic in a wetland grass native to northwest Ohio (Spartina pectinata). Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008. Best Student Poster: Life Sciences Division award winner.
Sapkota, Pratibha, Defne Apul, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Bromide transport through lysimeters at Stranahan Arboretum. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008.
Waltz, Adam R., Pam Struffolino, Scott Denham, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Comparison of water quality variables for Maumee Bay State Park. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2008.
Saunders, Joshua, Jona Scarbro, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Effect of Class B biosolid application
on E. coli survivability. International Association of Great Lakes Research, University Park,
PA. May 28-June 1, 2007.
Gallant, Patricia, Donald J. Stierman, Daryl F. Dwyer, and Timothy Fisher. Linking
geophysical signatures to sediment properties in Lucas County, Ohio. Geological Society
of America North-Central and South-Central Joint Annual Meeting, Lawrence, KS. April
11-13, 2007. Best Student Poster award winner.
Chowdhury, Raja and Defne Apul. Design of a wetland for the treatment of arsenic
laden wastewater – Preliminary studies. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. September 15, 2007.
de Saint Victor, Colin and Daryl F. Dwyer. Microbial contamination in public waters at Maumee Bay State Park. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. September 15, 2007.
*Dwyer, Daryl. Wetlands- Agents for improving water quality and human health. Maumee Bay State Park Wetland Restoration Public Meeting, Maumee Bay State Park Lodge. October 2, 2007.
Egan, Kevin, Daryl Dwyer, and Sebastain Awondo. Evaluating the economic benefits of wetland restoration at Maumee Bay State Park. Maumee Bay State Park Wetland Restoration Public Meeting, Maumee Bay State Park Lodge. October 2, 2007.
Oyewumi, Oluyinka and Alison L. Spongberg. Adsorption characteristics of brownfield soils from Northwest Ohio. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. September 15, 2007.
Rofkar, Jordan R., Joseph Hickey, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Screening plant species for
uptake of arsenic in northwest Ohio. International Conference on Environmental Science
and Technology, Houston, TX. August 19-23, 2006.
Scarbro, Jona, Daryl F. Dwyer, and William Von Sigler. Microbial transport through the vadose zone of a biosolid- amended cropland: implications for Maumee Bay water quality. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Windsor, Ontario, Canada May 22-26, 2006.
*Dwyer, Daryl F. Maumee Bay bacterial studies. SE Michigan Environmental Health Directors'
Meeting. Ann Arbor, MI. May 2006.
*Dwyer, Daryl F. Quality and sustainability of the Great Lakes: restoration, legislation and research. League of Women Voters. Holland, OH. January 2006.
Barnswell, Kristopher D., and Daryl F. Dwyer. Potential use of evapotranspiration
covers in northwest Ohio. Oak Openings Region Research Symposium. Toledo, OH. January
20-21, 2006.
Bobak, Deanna M. and Alison L. Spongberg. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon characterization from point and non-point sources in Otter Creek, OH. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 22, 2006. Best Student Presentation: Life Sciences Division award winner.
Hickey, Joseph, Jordan Rofkar, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Uptake of metals by selected plant species in northwest Ohio. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 22, 2006.
Scarbro, Jona and Daryl F. Dwyer. Microbial transport through the vadose zone of a biosolid- amended cropland: implications for land application of Class B biosolids and surface water quality. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 22, 2006.
Bobak, Deanna M. and Alison L. Spongberg. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon characterization
in differing watersheds in northwest Ohio. 21st Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, Amherst, MA. Oct.
17-20, 2005. Best Student Presentation award winner.
Bobak, Deanna M. and Alison L. Spongberg. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon characterization from point and non-point sources in Otter Creek, OH. International Association of Great Lakes Research Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. May 23-27, 2005.
Francy, Donna, Pamela Struffolino, Amie Brady, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Identification of proximate sources of fecal contamination to Maumee Bay, Lake Erie, Ohio by determining concentrations of Escherichia coli in water and sediments and identifying related environmental and water-quality factors. International Association of Great Lakes Research Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. May 23-27, 2005.
Kassem, Issmat, William Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Characterization of the microbial communities in dredge sediment from a confined disposal facility. IUMS XI International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, San Francisco, CA. July 23-28, 2005.
Bobak, Deanna M. and Alison L. Spongberg. 2005. A Comparison of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbon Contamination in Urban and Rural Areas in Northwest Ohio. Soil Science
Society of America Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 6-10.
Kassem, Issmat, William Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Molecular and enzymatic analysis of the microbial communities in dredged sediments. 105th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA. June 5-9, 2005.
*Dwyer, Daryl F. Maumee Bay bacterial studies. Lake Erie Center, University of Toledo,
Oregon, OH. October 2005.
Gallant, Patricia and Don Stierman. Gravity investigation of the King Road Landfill, Lucas County, Ohio. Geological Society of America North-Central Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. May 19-20, 2005.
Wilt, Amy S., Don Stierman, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Geophysical mapping the top of bedrock at the King Road Landfill, Lucas County, Ohio. Geological Society of America North-Central Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. May 19-20, 2005.
Barnswell, Kristopher D. and Daryl F. Dwyer. Vegetation on a non-capped landfill in
the Oak Openings Region. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of
Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 15, 2005.
Kassem, Issmat, William Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer The impact of sediment dredging on the microbial communities in Toledo Harbor. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 15, 2005.
Struffolino, Pamela. and Daryl F. Dwyer. 2005. Source Tracking Escherichia Coli to a Public Beach in Northwest Ohio. Sigma Xi Student Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 16, 2005.
*Francy, Donna, Amie Brady, Pamela Struffolino, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Identification
of proximate sources of fecal contamination to Maumee Bay, Lake Erie. Major Accomplishments
and Future Directions in Public Health Microbiology, United States Geological Survey,
Columbus, OH. February 15-18, 2004.
*Struffolino, Pamela, Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer. The role of suspended sediments
in E. coli transport. Major Accomplishments and Future Directions in Public Health
Microbiology at the United States Geological Survey, Columbus, OH. February 15-18,
Struffolino, Pamela, Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Novel sediment traps reveal role of suspended sediment in E. coli transport. National Beaches Conference, San Diego, CA. October 15, 2004.
Brady, Amie, Donna Francy, Pamela Struffolino, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Concentrations
of Escherichia coli in water and bed sediments in Maumee Bay, Toledo and Oregon, Ohio (2003–2005); Great
Lakes Beach Conference, Parma, OH; November 30, 2004.
*Dwyer, Daryl F. and Pamela Struffolino. Source tracking of E. coli entering Maumee Bay: overview of research from 2003-2004. Maumee Bay Bacterial Task
Force Public Meeting. Oregon, OH. December 2004.
*Francy, Donna, Greg Koltun, Amie Brady, Pamela Struffolino, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Source tracking of E. coli entering Maumee Bay: future research directions. Maumee Bay Bacterial Task Force Public Meeting. Oregon, OH. December 2004.
Struffolino, Pamela, Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer. The role of suspended sediment in E. coli Transport. Great Lakes Beach Conference: Parma, OH; November 30, 2004.
Barnswell, Kristopher D., Jordan Rofkar, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Phytoremediation at
the King Road Landfill: current progress and future work. Sigma Xi Graduate Research
Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 24, 2004.
Kassem, Issmat, William Von Sigler, and Daryl F. Dwyer. Structural and functional assessment of microbial communities at King Road Landfill. Sigma Xi Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. April 24, 2004.