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Retention & Graduation Internal Dashboards

Student Success Dashboard

Student Success Restricted Dashboard

Program Persistence Flow Dashboard

IR Dashboard for Degree Awarded SS

IR Dashboard for 6 Year Graduation Projection


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Retention & Graduation Reports

Current Report

Previous Reports

Note: These are historical documents and reflect what was reported when these were published using the data definitions that were adopted at that time. Definitions can change over time and measurement precision can improve. Therefore, the data in one report may not match reports and dashboards published during other time periods, especially those showing trends where it is important that the same definitions be applied consistently across all the time periods for likewise comparison. While these documents preserve the historically published numbers, readers are encouraged to look at the most recent publication where current definitions and measurement practices are applied.


Graduate Employment Outcomes

The Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) Explorer is a new set of interactive dashboards from the US Census Bureau with employment outcome statistics for graduates of partner higher education institutions, including UToledo and all public colleges and universities in Ohio. The tool provides summary employment earnings at the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles, one, five, and 10 years after graduation, by institution, degree level, degree field, and graduation cohort.

Graduation cohorts include groups of three academic years, with the most recent one-year outcomes currently available for students graduating between 2016 and 2018, five-year outcomes available for students graduating between 2010-2012 and ten-year outcomes for those graduating from 2007-2009. 

The Census Bureau generates outcome information by matching transcript-level data with state and federal employment databases covering 96% of employment in the United States. Notable exceptions include independent contractors, the unincorporated self-employed, railroad workers, certain farm workers, sales persons paid primarily on commission, some family employees of family-owned businesses, students working for universities under certain co-operative programs, and workers of some non-profits. Only graduates who earn at least the annual equivalent of full-time work, at the prevailing federal minimum wage, and work three or more quarters in a calendar year are included. Earnings reflect total annual earnings converted to 2019 dollars using the CPI-U. The PSEO documentation page provides more information about the tool’s data sources, methodology and employment coverage.

US Census Bureau Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes Explorer

percentile earnings By all ohio public institutions

Last Updated: 2/13/25