Office of the Provost

Collective Bargaining Agreement Research or Prestigious Award Bonus

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between The University of Toledo and the American Association of University Professors, UToledo Chapter, provides for a one-time bonus payment to faculty in recognition for extraordinary research efforts, or for receiving a national or international prestigious award.  


Note: one submisison per grant.

Click to Submit an electronic request form for research bonus 

Click to Submit an electronic request form for Prestigious Award


  • At the conclusion of the grant verification from the funding agency that all final reports have been successfully accepted by the funding agency.  Awards should be requested within sixty days of the final agency acceptance.
  • In the case of a prestigious award recognition, documentation of the award received; requested within sixty days of the receipt of the award.


  • Total direct costs, exclusive of indirect cost, for each grant are located at, under the Banner Index for the award.
  • Per the CBA, only the total direct cost is used in the calculation of the award level.
  • The percent credit is determined from the Proposal Submission Form signed by the investigators and retained in the RSP database.
    • In the case of multiple principal investigators, the stipend shall be distributed among them based on the percentage of effort documented in the University transmittal form.
      • In the case of multiple principal investigators/co-investigators, the  bonus shall be distributed among them based on the percentage of effort documented in the University transmittal form
    • If the distribution of percentage has changed since the original submission, include as part of the request process the percentage distribution of the award with approval from each PI and Co-I approval.
  • CBA research award bonus are for active faculty as provided on the proposal submission form.

Steps in the Process

  1. Submission of request
  2. Submission received by Office of the Provost and Grants Accounting Office
  3. Review and verification completed by Office of the Provost and Grants Accounting Office 
    1. As needed, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
  4. Bonus prepared by Office of the Provost and submitted for processing
  5. Bonus processed by HR data entry and Payroll Office
  6. Bonus will be included in a bi-weekly pay check

Please allow up to eight weeks for review and processing.  

Collective Bargaining Agreements Sections

Note:  Most recently ratified contract supersedes web page

RESEARCH BONUS: SECTION 12.2.3 OF THE CBA (tenure-tenure Track)

As recognition for extraordinary research efforts, bargaining unit faculty who obtain initial grant activity payable to the University in an academic year shall receive a stipend in the form of a one-time payment, at the conclusion of the grant and successful acceptance of the final report by the funding agency, based on the aggregate level of the initial awards that year. In the event the bargaining unit faculty member may obtain more than one (1) award in any academic year, the stipends shall be as follows:

  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support from $250,000 to $500,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $2,500 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support from $500,001 to $1,000,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $5,000 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support from $1,000,001 to $1,250,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $10,000 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support from $1,250,001 to $1,500,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $12,500 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support from $1,500,001 to $2,000,000 and above, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $15,000 per award. 

Tenure/Tenure Track CBA

national or international prestigious award: Section 12.2.4 of the CBA (tenure-tenure Track)

In the event a Bargaining Unit Member receives a national or international prestigious award in a category recognized by the Lombardi  Center, or as otherwise determined by the University, the Bargaining Unit Member, as recommended by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees, shall receive at least $2,500 in the form of a lump sum payment to be paid within sixty days after the date of receipt of the award.  

Tenure/Tenure Track CBA

RESEARCH BONUS: Section  12.13.2. of the CBA (LAW)

As recognition for extraordinary research efforts, Bargaining Unit Members who obtain initial grant activity payable to the University in an  academic year shall receive a stipend in the form of a one-time payment, at the conclusion of the grant and successful acceptance of the final  report by the funding agency, based on the aggregate level of the initial awards that year. In the event the Bargaining Unit Member may  obtain more than one (1) award in any academic year, the stipends shall be as follows:

  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support from $250,000 to $500,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $2,500 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support greater than $500,000 to $1,000,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive  $5,000 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support greater than $1,000,000 to $1,250,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $10,000 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support greater than $1,250,000 to $1,500,000, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $12,500 per award.
  • Bargaining Unit Faculty who procure initial grant support greater than $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 and above, exclusive of indirect costs, shall receive $15,000 per award.


Questions may be directed to


Last Updated: 9/11/24