UToledo Professional Staff Association

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Past Workshops


EI Advanced Training: Building Self-Awareness And Managing Emotions

Presented by: Jenell L. S. Wittmer, Ph.D.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been found to be one of the strongest predictors of success at work (and in life)! At the foundation of emotional intelligence is one’s self-perception, the ability to recognize and manage one’s own emotions. In this session, we will cover some practical ways to build emotional self-awareness and emotional regulation. Building these skills will allow for better management of your own emotions and stress, as well as your behaviors and reactions when working and communicating with others. 

MAY 2021

The Art Of Active Listening (My Life Expert)

We all "hear", but often don't truly listen. In this session, we will explore the differences and learn how to actively listen!

APRIL 2021

Managing Your Time While Working Remotely (My Life Expert)

Remote work is becoming the new normal, and projections are that it will continue long after Covid, but it does present some unique time management challenges.

Everyday Team Building

Presented by: Steve Davis 
Teambuilding is not a one-time exercise. Cohesion is not something teams either have or don't have. Teams are built and re-built by the attitudes and actions leaders and members show up with every day. In this presentation, we'll walk through the habits that leaders and members can implement to build healthy, effective teams.

march 2021

Supplemental benefits

This session provided to us by the Office of Human Resources allows participants to discovering some of the lesser known benefits available to you as a UToledo employee.  This presentation explored some of benefits you may not know are available or that you may have forgotten about!

View PowerPoint

February 2021

Microsoft Teams Training

Presented by: Davlon Miller
Are you interested in improving communication within your department and others around campus? Join us for an introductory training session on how to use Microsoft Teams. Teams have replaced Skype for Business as the preferred inner campus communication tool; however, Teams can do so much more. This session will cover: basic usage of the platform, how to communicate with faculty and staff, schedule and facilitate meetings, and more.

View recorded session

Calm Down: Meditation And Relaxation Guide (Monthly Webinar With IMPACT)

Presented by: Dr. Delvina Miremadi-Baldino

Beyond I.Q. To E.Q.

Presented by: Pat Schultz


Learn More About Teams

With the change away from Skype for Business to Teams, we would like to provide you with timely information to be efficient in utilizing this tool to the maximum extent. Microsoft is consistently updating the Teams, therefore please use the training videos to view the most up to date information.



Successful Teleworking: How To Remain Productive And Connected As An Office Of One

Presented by: Adam Feiner

November 2020

Mental Information And Resource Training 

Presented by: James Townsend

Join us to discuss the most prevalent mental health issues we see in students as well as physical and behavioral signs/symptoms that can be applied to faculty/staff as well. We will touch on crisis, what a crisis is, and how to respond to a crisis. This session will also provide scenarios to discuss and responses to those scenarios.

Session take-aways:

PowerPoint (PDF)


Leading Through Our Viral Trail With Style

Offered in partnership with the Office of Quality and Continuous Learning

Presented by Dr. Clint Longenecker

Special introductory remarks will be provided by Dr. Gregory Postel, Interim President of The University of Toledo.

 As a leader, it is easy these days to feel out of alignment, stressed, and even discouraged. If you feel this way, know that you are not alone. To help you deal with these challenges and to remind you that we are all in this together, we are offering a 75-minute workshop for campus leaders to offer encouragement and some specific tools that can be used to help you use this viral trial for an opportunity to fine-tune your leadership skills.

Session take-aways:

Tough times video (YouTube)

Handout (PDF)

PowerPoint (PDF)

Last Updated: 7/15/24