UToledo Professional Staff Association

History of the UToledo Professional Staff Association

President McComas created the Administrative Appeals group in 1985 to establish hearing grievance procedures for the professional staff.

In 1991, President Horton expressed a desire to enhance and restructure this group for the purpose of creating an organization that would serve as a sounding board for ideas, a pool of resources and act as a conduit to enhance two-way communication.

Professional staff members, who were eager to serve in an advisory capacity to the President and to assist him when requested, welcomed the concept. Members also appreciated the formal recognition of this constituency, which was comprised of program coordinators, directors, managers, vice-presidents, deans, executive secretaries and supervisors.

By 1992, the group was officially recognized by the University, given the title of the Professional Staff Association and had elected a governing Council. Two Council members were Presidential appointees. Members began to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the Association to network with colleagues, to engage in sharing ideas, and to offer solutions to concerns.

The start of PSA

Former UToledo President Horton

Former UToledo President Horton 
formally recognized the PSA
in 1992 after encouraging 
its development.

PSA Milestones:
  • Added the newsletter feature “You Asked…We Did” (2021)
  • Researched and led the development of the Flexible Work policy (2021)
  • Chartered a series of remote work professional development webinars during campus closure (2020-2021)
  • Advocated for PSA during COVID reductions (2020)
  • Established the PSA Professional Development Assistance Award (2019)
  • Redesigned the PSA Voice Newsletter to email format (2019)
  • Negotiated significant revisions to proposed changes of the Tuition Waiver policy (2019)
  • Established a subcommittee of PSC past Chairs to advance long-term initiatives (2019)
  • Sponsored four PSA members to attend Lessons in LeadHERship (2018)
  • Created an electronic process for PSA Scholarship application and review (2018)
  • Added Fundraising Committee (2017)
  • Created Treasurer position on Professional Staff Council (2017)
  • Developed the Frank E. Horton Staff Award (2016)
  • Redesigned the PSA newsletter as The Voice (2005)
  • Added Sick Leave Bank Committee (2004) 
  • Launched a new PSA website (2004)
  • Created and published the first informational webpage for PSA members (1999)
  • Added PSA Membership Committee (1999)
  • Implemented annual PSA Outstanding Staff awards (1997)
  • Established the Professional Staff Sick Leave Bank (1996)
  • Introduced a flexible benefits spending plan (1996)
  • Created The Link, a Newsletter for members (1996)
  • Developed PSA Handbook (September 1995 and 1999)


Last Updated: 7/15/24