College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pre-Pharmacy at UToledo

The pre-pharmacy program is required for students who want to enter the five majors of the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences or the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program at The University of Toledo. The prerequisite education prepares students for several degree paths in the college. Along with basic science courses such as chemistry, biology, physics and calculus, pre-pharmacy students take an Introductory Physiology course. 

Undergraduate research is encouraged, and pre-pharmacy students can learn from faculty members who are conducting cutting-edge research associated with a variety of disease states such as cancer, diabetes, kidney disease and more.

The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences offers several career paths:

Become a pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy – Pharm.D.

The pre-pharmacy program at UToledo provides a variety of application pathways to the UToledo Pharm.D. program. Exceptionally qualified high school seniors can apply for direct admission to the professional division of the Pharm.D. program. The Pharm.D. program can be configured as a 0+6, 1+5, or 2+4 program (showing years before acceptance to the professional program + years post acceptance to the professional program), based on the student’s qualifications. 

The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program at The University of Toledo is nationally ranked, and its presence on an academic health science campus provides teaching and learning opportunities for students. Students participate in patient care at the University of Toledo Medical Center and learn with students from other health care professions. 

Learn More about the PharmD Program

Become a scientist

B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The pre-pharmacy program at UToledo provides a variety of application pathways to the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences program. Exceptionally qualified high school seniors can apply for the B.S.P.S. scholars program, which offers scholarship support along with mentoring by a faculty member and a research experience. All undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in research opportunities in the college, or in programs with which the college has national and international partnerships.

The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (B.S.P.S.) at The University of Toledo is the most comprehensive undergraduate pharmaceutical science program in the nation, with majors in: 

  • Cosmetic Science & Formulation Design
  • Medicinal and Biological Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Pharmacology/Toxicology
  • Pharmacy Administration

These majors offer a pathway to employment immediately upon graduation or to an advanced degree in several fields.

Learn More about the BSPS Program

Become a physician, veterinarian, physician’s assistant or other health care provider

B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pre-Med

The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (B.S.P.S.) has majors in Medicinal & Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology/Toxicology that provide excellent preparation for pre-med, pre-vet, pre-physician’s assistant, or pre-dental applicants. These rigorous majors offer the added advantage of learning pharmacology – how drugs act in the body – which is not part of a typical pre-medicine program.  The uniqueness and breadth of the curricula are an advantage when applying to medical, dental, PA or veterinary programs. 

Learn More about the BSPS Pre-Med Option

Become a health care leader

B.S. IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, Pharmacy administration

The Pharmacy Administration major of the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences program prepares students to manage the business of a pharmacy. Pharmacy Administration students often become front-end managers and business leaders in the pharmacy community. 

Learn more about the Pharmacy Administration program


The jewel of the pre-pharmacy program is advising, which is a key component of student success in The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. The college’s award-winning academic advisors help students to plot their career paths and set clear goals. They work with students to help them stay in sync with their coursework and identify challenges and solutions. 

Steven, a Pre-Pharmacy student who advanced into a Physician’s Assistant program, sent this message to his academic advisor: 

So I got my call today saying I got accepted into the PA program here at UToledo! I first just wanted to tell you that I got accepted and then I also wanted to say how thankful I am for all you have done for me. I really can't tell you how much you helped me in undergrad and how much better of a college experience and better off I am in life with having met you. I know an email is not near worthy of a thank you but I thought for the short notice it would be ok for now.

Eli, a Pre-Pharmacy student who completed the PharmD program, sent this message to his academic advisor:

You played a huge part in this, I am sure you hear this all the time but in all honesty a lot of us including myself owe a lot of our success to your advice and support from the moment we step foot in the DNA hallway all the way to graduation :) You are most often our first go to person, and when we advise our youngins on where to go the answer is always YOU!

About the College

UToledo’s College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 1904 and is the oldest college at the University of Toledo. 

Learn More About the College

Last Updated: 7/15/24