Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards

Conduct Flow Charts

Conduct Flow Chart--text of chart is below

Step 1:  Incident Occurs and Report Submitted 

Anybody can submit a report regarding student behavioral concerns. Reports most typically come from one of the following: 

  • Residence Life 
  • Faculty 
  • Police 
  • Dean 
  • Staff 
  • Students 

Step 2:  Report reviewed 

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards will review the report to determine one of the following: 

  • There is sufficient information to move forward to the next step of the process.
  • There is insufficient information and an investigation is necessary.
  • The reported behavior is not actionable under the Student Code of Conduct and the case is dismissed. 

If necessary, an investigation will occur to obtain more information and determine if the information either warrants a charge of an alleged policy violation or the information does not warrant a charge and the case is dismissed. 

Step 3:  Information Meeting 

At the Information Meeting, the relevant parties meet with a staff member to review student rights, discuss what occurred, accept or deny responsibility, and choose a resolution option. 

Step 4:  Resolution 

One of four resolutions will occur depending on what is most appropriate for the case and what is selected by the parties involved. The four resolution options are as follows: 

  • Administrative review – Informal meeting with one hearing officer 
  • Administrative hearing – Formal meeting with one hearing officer 
  • University Conduct Board – Formal meeting with a hearing board 
  • Sexual Misconduct Board – Formal meeting with a sexual misconduct hearing board 

Step 5:  Outcomes  

If a student/student organization is found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct, then sanctions will be issued. 

If a student/student organization is found not responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct then the case will be dismissed. 

Step 6:  Appeals 

Outcomes can be appealed within five business days of the decision. Grounds for appeal are as follows: 

  • New evidence, unknown or unavailable during the original hearing or investigation that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction.
  • Procedural error or omission that significantly impacted the outcome of the hearing. 

Step 7:  Appeal Outcome 

An appeal can result in either upholding the original decision, modifying the original decision, or overturning the original decision. 


If you have any questions, please email

Last Updated: 7/15/24