Counseling Center

Barriers to Communication

Okay; so we know what different styles of communication look like and the nuts and bolts of effective communication. We are even pros at what it looks like to listen well. But I'd like to ask you this...are you doing it all right, all of the time? I bet you're saying to yourself "no way!" None of us do this all right, all the time, and lots of things get in the way. Because we know that we likely won't get it right all of the time, it's helpful for us to reflect on the factors that influence us the most. Remember, self-reflection is an important aspect of communication and building and maintaining relationships.

There are many barriers to communication, like rehearsing what you're going to say instead of listening, listening with the intention of disagreeing, our surroundings, or our emotional state. Let's take a look here to start identifying some things that get in the way of good communication with others. As you review these barriers, please star, circle, or highlight the barriers that you experience.

Now that you have identified factors that might get in the way of your communication and connecting with others, let's look at some ways that we can "trouble shoot" each of these. Take a look at some things you can do here. As you review these, please star, circle, or highlight the tips you plan to try.


Last Updated: 6/27/22