History Department

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Undergraduate B.A. degree in History

How did we get here, to this moment and place in time?

It’s one of the central questions posed by history majors at The University of Toledo.

Undergraduates explore history in all its dimensions — from family, institutional, political and social history to world and American history. Students in the UToledo Department of History dive deeply into cultures (their own and others), time periods and places around the globe.

They learn to frame critical questions, seek evidence, evaluate conflicting accounts and synthesize information. History majors learn to place facts (the who, what, where and when) into the broader frameworks that make up our human community. They interpret and create a context for understanding historical events.

Students also examine public history — why we commemorate events and people of the past, and how we commemorate them.

Coursework and plan of study

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Requirements for the Undergraduate Major in History

The major of 33 hours in history must be distributed as follows*

    1. HIST 2000 Methods Seminar (4 hours)
    2. Three courses in fields of United States history (9 hours)
    3. Three courses in fields of non-United States history (9 hours)
    4. Additional hours (11 hours)

*12-16 hours (4 courses) must be at the 4000 level

Additionally, history majors must complete a minor, a second major, or meet the requirement of 18 hours in “related fields” courses. These classes are chosen from at least 3 of the following areas: economics, political science, English and American literature, foreign language, geography, philosophy, sociology, psychology, art history, music history, women's and gender studies, or theatre history. Courses accepted to meet this requirement are listed in the student Degree Audit Report. At least 12 of the hours in related courses must be at the 3000 and 4000 levels.

The related fields course requirement may be met with completion of a minor in another discipline or a second major. However, students are required to meet with an advisor to verify and approve their selection in advance as most approved minors and second majors are in either the College of Arts and Letters or the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Student may not take P/NC for the minimum requirements for the major, but may opt for P/NC in related courses.

Requirements for the Undergraduate Minor in History

The minor of 21 hours in history must be distributed as follows:

A. HIST 2000 (4 hours)

B. Of the remaining 17 hours (or 6 courses), 3 of the 6 courses must be at the 4000 level.

Requirements for Departmental Honors in History

Qualified students are invited to work for the degree citation “honors in history.”

A.  Admission: History majors who demonstrate unusual promise in the study of history are invited by the department to enroll in the Honors Program. Departmental honors may be taken concurrently with college honors. Admission to departmental honors is based on the following:

    1. Sophomore standing
    2. Overall minimum GPA of 3.0
    3. A minimum GPA of 3.3 in all history courses (minimum of 10 hours)
    4. Recommendations from two professors
    5. An interview with the adviser

B.  Requirements:  To gain departmental honors in history, each student will satisfactorily complete the following:

  1. Honors recognition in two history courses. Honors recognition courses are regularly scheduled 3000 to 4000 level courses in which special recognition is achieved by reading and research in addition to the normal requirements of the course.
Last Updated: 7/15/24