Ruth A. Hottell
Ruth A. Hottell, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita of French
Ph.D. Interdisciplinary French Studies, University of Illinois, 1987. Areas: French Film, Nineteenth-Century French Literature, Feminist Criticism.
M.A. French Literature, University of Louisville, 1981.
B.A. French and Theatre, Western Kentucky University, 1974.
Cum Laude.
Professor Emerita of French. The University of Toledo. April 2019 to Present
Chair of Foreign Languages. The University of Toledo. August 2008 to July 2018.
Professor of French, University of Toledo, 2000 to 2018
Associate Professor of French, University of Toledo, 1994 to 2000.
Assistant Professor of French, University of Toledo, 1988-1994.
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1987-88.
Instructor, The College of William and Mary, 1986-87.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois, 1981-86.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Louisville, 1980-81.
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques. Awarded by Le Ministre de l’Education nationale et de la Jeunesse (The French Ministry of Education and Youth), July 2019.
1974-75 Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier (Licence level)
1972-73 Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier (Première Année)
Director, Graduate Study Abroad in Montpellier. 1999, 2000. Program designed for high school area teachers enrolled in UT’s summer immersion MA program
Director, University of Toledo in Montpellier and Paris Program. 1991-97. (I proposed and organized the program that was conducted in collaboration with colleagues in Montpellier. I accompanied students and taught a conversation course during the five-week program of language/culture study in Paris and Montpellier.)
Director of University of Tennessee in France Program, 1988.
Chaperone for Louisville, Kentucky, high school students to sister-city, Montpellier. July 1979 and July 1982.
Coordinator of French Work Exchange Program. The University of Louisville, International Center, 1981.
Participant and liaison in University of Louisville Work Exchange Program, Montpellier, 1976.
Coordinating Assistant. Western Kentucky University Study Abroad Program. Montpellier. 1974-75.
Teaching in France: September-December 2010, Fall Visiting Professor for The University Study Abroad Consortium in Pau; January-May 2006, Spring Visiting Professor for USAC in Pau 2006; January-May 2003 (one literature class at the USAC program in Pau); January-May 2001, The Spring 2001 Visiting Professor for USAC, Pau.
Research in France: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, October 2014, June-August 2014; June-August, 2013; June-August, 2012; March and June 2011; March and April 2010; March 2009; May-August, 2008; July-August, 2007; January-August, 2006; May-August 2005; May-August 2004; September 2002 to August 2003; July-August 2001; June-August 2000; May-August 1999; May-July 1998; Mar. 1998; June-August 1997; Mar. 1997; June-Sept. 1996; Mar. 1996; Feb.-Aug. 1995; Summer 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1988, 1984, 1982, 1979, 1977, 1976; December 1993.
Attendance at the Créteil International Women’s Film Festival: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1997, 1996, 1995.
Research in Tunisia: June 1995.
Director of Study Abroad Programs: 2000, 1999, 1992-1997, 1988, 1982, 1979.
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Film, University of Illinois, 1983-85.
Graduate Research Assistant, Unit for Cinema Studies, University of Illinois, 1984-85.
Feminism or Death. Verso Books, 2022. Translated and edited by Ruth Hottell. Original French text by Françoise d’Eaubonne. Le Féminisme ou la mort. Pierre Horay, 1974.
Noteworthy French Speaking Women Filmmakers. Sequel. With Janis Pallister. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011.
French Speaking Women Filmmakers. A guide. With Janis Pallister. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005.
Francophone Women Documentarians. With Janis Pallister. New York: Peter Lang Press, 2005.
“36th International Women’s Film Festival.” French Review. (May 2016)
“35th International Women’s Film Festival.” French Review 87.4 (May 2014): 190-93.
“34th International Women’s Film Festival.” French Review 80.6 (May 2013): 1245-48.
“33rd International Women’s Film Festival.” French Review 85.6 (May 2012): 1150-52.
“30th International Women’s Film Festival.” French Review 82.4 (March 2009): 891-94.
“Evelyne Accad: Traveling through mutation and mutilation of the Other.” in Cheryl Toman, Evelyne Accad, a Retrospective. Cheryl Toman, ed. Birmingham: Summa Publications, 2007.
“Le 28e Festival International de Films de Femmes.” French Review 80.4 (March 2007): 848- 51.
“Simone Veil.” An Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Jerusalem: Shalvi Publishing, 2007.
“Short Fiction Films by Francophone Women Directors.” With Janis L. Pallister. French Review 79.6 (May 2006): 1310-50.
“Le 27e Festival International de Films de Femmes.” French Review 79.4 (March 2006): 848- 51.
“The Cinema of Claire Denis: Post-colonial Configurations.” Women in French Special Issue 2006: 220-36.
“Soigner les blessures: le monde d’Evelyne Accad.” Le Monde littéraire et critique d’Evelyne Accad. Deirdre Heistad, ed. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2004.
“Le 25e Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen.” French Review 78.1 (October 2004): 171-73.
“Le 25e Festival International de Films de Femmes.” French Review 77.2: 395-98.
“Le 24e Festival International de Cinéma Méditerranéen.” French Review 77.1: 170-71.
“The Delusory Denouement and Other Strategies in Maupassant’s Fantastic Tales.” Romanic Review 85 (November 1994): 573-87. Rpt. in Short Story CriticismVol.64 (September 2003): 315-22.
“Reviewing the Feminine: Catherine Breillat’s Romance.” Esprit Créateur 42.3 (Fall 2002): 70-80.
“Le 23e Festival International de Films de Femmes.” French Review 75.3 (February 2002): 617-21.
“Le 22e Festival International de Films de Femmes,” French Review 74.4 (March 2001): 823-25.
“Flying through Southern France: Sans toit ni loi by Agnès Varda.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 28.6 (December 1999): 671-92.
“Including Ourselves: The Role of Female Spectators in Le Bonheur and L'Une chante, l'autre pas by Agnès Varda.” Cinema Journal 38:2 (Winter 1999): 52-71.
“The Pedantic Eye/I: Feminist theory and Pedagogy” in Common Ground FeministCollaboration in the Academy. Elizabeth G. Peck and JoAnna Stephens Mink, eds. Albany: SUNY Press: 1997, 269-81. (Co-authored with Jamie Barlowe.)
“A Poetics of Pain: Evelyne Accad's Critical and Fictional World.” World Literature Today 71.3 (1997): 511-16.
“Chanter son pays--La Rue Cases-Nègres d'Euzhan Palcy,” in Elles écrivent des Antilles (Haïti, Guadeloupe, Martinique). Suzanne Rinne and Joëlle Vitiello eds. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1997, 375-81.
“The Diabolic Dialogic: Les Diaboliques by Henri-Georges Clouzot.” Literature/Film Quarterly 24.3 (1996): 255-60.
“The Delusory Dénouement and other Narrative Strategies in Maupassant's Fantastic Tales.” Romanic Review November 1994. 573-86.
“The Time of Ecofeminism,” in Carolyn Merchant, ed. Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Ecology. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1994. 174- 97. (Translation of “Le Temps de l'éco-féminisme” in Françoise d'Eaubonne, Le Féminisme ou la mort. Paris: Pierre Horay, 1974.)
“Encounter with Rui Nogueira and Bertrand Tavernier.” in Reflections in a Male Eye: John Huston and the American Experience. David Desser and Gaylyn Studlar, editors. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. 207-37. (Translation of "Rencontre avec Rui Nogueira et Bertrand Tavernier," Positif no. 116, mai 1970.)
“Blinding the Other: La Morte amoureuse,” in Misogyny in Literature: An Essay Collection. Katherine Anne Ackley, ed. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992. 183-201.
Evelyne Accad. Un amour tissé dans la tourmente. L’Harmattan, 2020. Review in Women in French Studies 29.1 (Fall 2021): 195-97.
Will Higbee and Sarah Leahy, ed. Studies in French Cinema. UK Perspectives 1985-2010. Review in French Review, 2013.
Alan Williams. Republic of Images. A History of French Film. Reviewin Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature. 47.1-2 (1993): 117-19.
Sandy Flitterman-Lewis. To Desire Differently. Feminism and the French Cinema. Review in Discourse. Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 15.3 (Spring 1993): 185-88.
Marguerite Duras. Green Eyes. Review in Film Quarterly 45.4 (Summer 1992): 45 & 46.
World Languages and Cultures Colloquium. “Translating Françoise d’Eaubonne.” February 26, 2021.
“New Beginnings: Recent films by Francophone women.” Women’s and Gender Studies Lecture series. April 2018.
“Francophone Women filmmakers.” Invited guest lecturer. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. April 2017.
“Francophone Women Filmmakers.” Humanities Institute. January 2015.
“Agnès Varda: Jeune plasticienne. Recent trends in Agnès Varda’s work.” Department of Foreign Languages Colloquium. Spring 2011.
“Agnès Varda’s ever-changing artistic agenda.” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference. October 2009.
“Mutation and Mutilation of the Other: Evelyne Accad’s Creative and Critical World.” The Critical and Creative Works of Evelyne Accad. An International Colloquium. June 16-18, 2004. Paris.
“Breillat’s Romance: Marie through the Looking Glass.” 27th Annual Conference on Literature and Film. Florida State University, January 2002.
“Catherine Breillat’s 36 Fillette: Lolita through the Looking Glass.” 22th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. May 2002.
"Postcolonial Considerations in French Cinema: Claire Denis." Colloquium on Film and Literature. West Virginia University. Oct. 2000.
“Les Couleurs du Midi.” A video project included in Mixed [Media] “Messages. A Multi-Media Experience. A film and video presentation sponsored by UT’s Department of Theatre and film. Feb. 18-21, 1999.
“Whose Voice is This: The Recent Cinema of Agnès Varda.” Modern Language Association Annual Conference. December 1998.
“The Cinema of Claire Denis: Looking from the Inside Out.” Eighteenth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. May 1998.
“Delusory Detours: The Recent Cinema of Agnès Varda.” Seventeenth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages & Literatures. May 1997.
“A Poetics of Pain: Evelyne Accad's Critical and Fictional World.” Midwest Modern Language Association. November 1994.
“Paris: Myth and Metaphor in French Film and Literature.” Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Vancouver. April 1994.
“Paris: Metaphor and Motivation in French Film and Literature.” Humanities Institute Research Associate Lecture. April 1994.
“Female Spectators and French Feminist Filmmakers.” The University of Toledo. Humanities Institute Research Associate Lecture. May 1993.
“Refusing Authority: Sans toit ni loi and L'Une chante, l'autre pas by Agnès Varda.” Thirteenth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 1993.
“Including Ourselves: The Spectator's Role in Le Bonheur and L'Une chante, l'autre pas by Agnès Varda.” Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. April 1993.
“Feminist Film Criticism and Mainstream Narrative.” Humanities Institute Research Associate Discussion Group. The University of Toledo. April 1993.
“The Pedantic Eye/I: Feminist theory and Pedagogy.” Midwest Modern Language Association. November 1992. (Paper co-authored with Jamie Barlowe).
“The Myth of Paris in French Film: Alienation Within/ Nostalgia Without.” Twelfth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 1992.
“Rethinking Masochism and Female Subjectivity.” Sans toit ni loi by Varda." Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Vanderbilt University. April 1992.
“The Spectacle Revisited: Varda's Cléo de 5 à 7 and Sans toit ni loi.” Comparative Literature Conference on Literature and Film. Florida State University. February 1992.
“Images of Women in Film.” University of Toledo Women's Commission. May 1991. (public lecture)
“Euzhan Palcy and cinéma engagé: La Rue Cases-Nègres.” Eleventh Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 1991.
“La Faim de la Femme--La Morte amoureuse." Tenth Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 1990.
“The Diabolic Dialogic.” Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Tulane University. April 1990.
“Venus and the Flytrap: Deviation in Modern Fantastic Film.” Eleventh International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts. March 1990.
“The Delusory Dénouement and Other Narrative Strategies in Maupassant's Fantastic Tales.” Ninth Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 1989.
“The Articulation of Ideology in Film and Literature.” Comparative Literature Conference on Literature and Film. Florida State University. January 1989.
“Speaking the Same Language: La Grande Illusion as Cultural and Linguistic Product.” Symposium on International Cultural Perspectives in Literature and Language. George Mason University. November 1987.
“Woman Framed: Les Diaboliques by Henri-Georges Clouzot.” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference. University of Richmond. October 1987.
“Of Frogs and Princes: A Case for Applying Feminist Film Criticism to French Fantastic Literature.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts. March 1987.
“Les Diaboliques: Film Noir or Film Fantastique?” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. March 1985.
“Feminist Revisions of Self and Other in American Popular Cinema: It Happened One Night and Romancing the Stone.” Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville. February 1985.
“Repulsion by Roman Polanski: Throw-away Grand Guignol or Classic Horror?” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts. March 1984.
Kohler International Faculty Travel Grant: October 2005. To offset expenses incurred while serving as visiting professor in the University Studies Abroad Consortium in Pau, January-May 2006. $500
Kohler International Faculty Travel Grant: March 2005. To attend the International Women’s Film Festival in Créteil, France. $1,000
Kohler International Faculty Travel Grant: November 2002. To support research in France and travel to film festivals during 2003. $1,000
Kohler International Faculty Travel Grant. June 2002. To travel to France for research during sabbatical leave. $1000
Kohler Foundation Faculty Grant. 2001. To offset expenses incurred while serving as visiting professor in the University Studies Abroad Consortium in Pau, January-May 2001. $1,000
Kohler Foundation Faculty Grant. 2000. To attend the International Women’s Film Festival. $900
Center for Teaching Excellence Small Grant. October 1998. Purpose: To purchase films on video format to enhance the language laboratory’s collection on French and Francophone culture, and multicultural issues within France. Awarded $250.
Center for Teaching Excellence. May 1998. Equipment grant. Purpose: To purchase a camcorder to make videos in France for use in French culture classes. Awarded $1000.
Kohler Foundation Faculty Grant, 1998. University of Toledo Center for International Studies and Programs. Project: French Visiting Scholar Cultural Workshops. Awarded: $400.
Kohler Foundation Faculty Travel Grant, 1998. Purpose: to visit and interview students and staff at the University Study Abroad Consortium site in Pau, France. Awarded: $1000.
Kohler Foundation Faculty Travel Grant, 1997. Project: The 19th International Women’s Film Festival in Créteil, France. Awarded: $500
Center for International Studies and Programs, Nov. 1996. Grant to internationalize the curriculum. Awarded: $1000.
University of Toledo Foundation Program for Academic Excellence Award, 1996-97. Project: French Visiting Scholar Program. Awarded: $4000.
Kohler Foundation Faculty Travel Grant, 1996. University of Toledo Center for International Studies and Programs. Project: Video for UT in Montpellier program. Awarded: $1000.
Center for Teaching Excellence Small Grant, 1995-96. Project: French Visiting Scholar Program. Awarded: $300.
French Visiting Scholar Program. Fall, 1995. The University of Toledo. Supporting grants received from the Alliance Française de Toledo, the Center for International Studies and Programs, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Foreign Languages, the Humanities Institute. Total awarded: $800.
Center for Teaching Excellence Small Grant, 1994-95. Project: French film. Award: $300.
Small Research Grant, University of Toledo, Office of Research, 1993. Project: French film and Advertising in Paris. Award: $300
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, 1991. Project: Literary and Cinematic Images of Rural and Urban France. Directed by George Santoni at SUNY at Albany. Award: $5000
Faculty Research and Development Summer Grant. 1990. Project: Paris in/on film. Award: $6000.
University of Illinois Graduate SEAL Grant, 1984, 1985.
University of Illinois Dissertation Research Grant, 1984. Project: French film and literature. Award: $5000.
“World Cultures in Literature and Cinema.” The University of Toledo.
“Le Cinéma français.” University of Toledo. (New course taught on a regular basis. Focus on history of French film and film analysis. Graduate and undergraduate courses.)
“Cross-cultural Understanding.” New course designed to fulfill university multicultural core requirement. Focus on diversity in Francophone settings.
“La Production féminine.” Undergraduate/graduate Regular course. (New course taught on a regular basis.) University of Toledo.
“Conflicts in Feminist Theory.” Honors Seminar. (Team-taught with Professor Jamie Barlowe).
“French Feminine Perspectives.” Honors Seminar. University of Toledo.
“Conflicts in Feminist Theory.” University of Toledo. Course team-taught with Professor Jamie Barlowe through the College of Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Teaching Fellowship program (multicultural, interdisciplinary orientation).
“Women and Film.” Honors Seminar. University of Toledo.
“Psychoanalytic Theory in Film Criticism.” University of Tennessee. (Focus on Freudian and Lacanian theory as applied to study of film. Graduate Seminar.)
“French Cinema.” The College of William and Mary. (Focus on history of French film, general film theory and analysis. Advanced undergraduate.)
French civilization and culture courses at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. University of Toledo.
French language courses at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. University of Toledo.
French literature classes at undergraduate and graduate level. (Survey of French literature, Nineteenth-century French literature, Sixteenth-century French literature). University of Toledo.
French language courses at all levels (beginning, intermediate, advanced) in a variety of formats: day, evening, honors, intensive, summer school, graduate reading, advanced conversation for faculty and staff. University of Toledo, University of Tennessee, College of William and Mary, University of Illinois, University of Louisville.
Supervisor. Intensive French. University of Tennessee.
Presentations in teacher training workshops. University of Tennessee. (Teaching film and culture, Use of video in the classroom.)
Direction of MA Theses
2011. Ainsworth Bailey, “Teaching Business French in the US.”
2010. Mary Kern, “Teaching Inchallah’dimanche.”
2004. Kim Young, “France and the European Union: A 5 C’s approach.”
2002. Tongjun Kang, “Les Enfants du Paradis.”
2001. Denise Wiederhold, “L’Enseignement de la culture québécoise.
2000. Elizabeth Harned. Topic: “Les cultures marginalisées en France d’aujourd’hui.”
1999. Sophie Lambert. Topic: “La France et les sans-papiers.”
1997. Cheryl Burlingame. Title: “Le Cinéma d’Afrique francophone.”
1997. Arin Mango. Title: “La Production francophone du Mashreq et Maghreb: littérature et cinéma.”
Direction of Honors theses.
2009. Shannon Booth. “Reflections of the Holocaust in Film and Literature.
2005. Patricia Dimit: “The Lais of Marie de France.”
2002. Michelle McLaughlin. “French and US Relations in the aftermath of Sept. 11.”
2000. Sarah Perz. “French-US Relations: a History.”
1993. Blythe Howard. Title: “Breaking Through: Expressions of Body and Voice in 19th & 20th Century American Women’s Fiction.” (Co-directed with Jamie Barlowe). 70 pages (in English).
1992. John Polakovic. Title: "Les Délits dans les ombres: analyse du film noir américain et français." 60 pages (in French).
1991. Patrick Hickey. Title: "La Peinture et la littérature après 1850: une évolution sur papier, une rébellion sur toile." 59 pages (in French).
Member of English Ph.D. dissertation committee. (1995-96. Ali Bouanani. Topic: Orientalism in French and American Film and Literature; Spring 1994. Brenda Wyatt. Topic: Race, Class and Gender Issues in Literature.)
Member of Ph.D. language exam committee (Fall 1995, Theresa Stowell, topic--Germaine de Staël; Spring 1993, Sharon Barnes. Topic--Simone de Beauvoir.)
University of Toledo Shining Star Award for outstanding research and teaching. November 2014.
Humanities Research Fellows. 2001-2004. Nominated and named a senior fellow.
Dean’s Merit Award. 1994. 1998.
UT Outstanding Faculty Woman, 1997. Selected by the University Women’s Commission.
1999. Arts and Sciences Nominee for Outstanding University Teacher with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Appointed Master Teacher. College of Arts and Sciences, University of Toledo. Two Terms: 1995-97; 1997-99.
Humanities Research Associateship, University of Toledo, 1994.
(Project: Francophone film.)
Humanities Research Associateship, University of Toledo, 1993. (Project: French Feminine Films.)
Interdisciplinary Teaching Fellowship, University of Toledo, 1992. (Course: Conflicts in Feminist Theory. Team-taught with Jamie Barlowe.)
University of Toledo Summer Faculty Fellowship, 1990. (Research project: Modern French film, Films in/on Paris.)
University of Illinois Graduate College Summer Fellowship, 1985.
University of Illinois French Department Fellowship, 1982-83.
American Association of Teachers of French, Modern Language Association, Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Women in French, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Ohio Foreign Language Association, Phi Beta Delta (International Scholars Honorary), Pi Delta Phi (Adviser of University of Toledo chapter).
LLSS Council, Department representative, 2012-2013; At-large representative 2013-2015.
Member, Kohler committee. 2000 to 2012.
Member, Student travel grant committee, 2002 to present.
Acting Chair, Department of Foreign Languages, Spring 2004.
Graduate Council, 2005 to present. 2008-09. Graduate Council Executive Committee, 2013-2014.
University Committee on Sabbaticals. 2004-07.
University Research Council. 2004-07; 2007-2010, 2010-2013; 2013-2016..
University Committee on Academic Personnel. 1999 to 2003. Chair, Fall 2003.
College Committee on Academic Personnel. Elected to two-year term: 2006-08, 1997-99. Co-Chair 1998-99.
Arts and Sciences Strategic Plan Committee, Fall 2003. Co-chair of subcommittee, Student Relations.
Arts and Sciences Council. At-large representative: Terms 1995-97, 1998-2000, 2004-06, 2006-09. Member Executive Committee 1999-2000, 2004-05. Department representative: 2006-07.
Faculty Senate. The University of Toledo. Terms 1993-96, Fall 1998, 1999-2002, 2003-2006, 2007-2010, 2010-2013. Academic Regulations Committee. Chair of Committee, 1995-96. 2003-04, Chair of Implementations Committee. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2007-09, 2012-2013.
Multicultural Core Course Committee. Appointed by Faculty Senate. 1997.
Semester Conversion Policy Committee. 1995-96.
Arts and Sciences Assessment Steering Committee. Appointed by Dean, 1995 to 2000.
Member of Humanities 2000 Project. The University of Toledo. (An NEH funded program to design a cross-disciplinary, four-year program of study in the College of Education.)
Member of Women's Studies Task Force, University of Toledo. 1989 to present (Name changed in 1993 to Women's Studies Advisory Board.) Women’s Studies affiliated faculty.
Department of Foreign Languages:
Graduate advisor-French: 2000 to present
Undergraduate and study abroad advisor--French. 1990 to present.
Department Advisory Committee. 1990-91, 1992-93.
Personnel Committee. 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1999 to 2006.
Chair: 2005-06
Workload Policy Committee 1994-95.
Semester Conversion Committee. 1995-96.
Language Laboratory Committee. 1995-96.
Placement Test Committee. 1996 to present.
Chair, Study Abroad Committee. 1998 to 2000.
Chair, Mission Statement Committee. 1996.
Chair, Assessment Committee. 1995 to 2000.
Chair, Strategic Planning Committee. 1996.
Moderator, Jeopardy Competition, Foreign Language Day, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008.
Faculty Advisor for Pi Delta Phi (French honorary society). University of Toledo.
Supervisor and coordinator of Elementary French. (Responsibilities: Supervision of classroom instruction, teaching materials, and testing materials.) 1988-90.
Graduate Reading Exams (Approval of texts and evaluation of exams.)
Timeframes, Satire & Humor in Graphic Art. March 1991. The Toledo Museum of Art. Introduction of speaker, Colta Ives, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Topic: Daumier.
Pioneers of French Film series. Toledo Museum of Art. October 1990. Short lecture/introduction of films, led discussion after screenings.
Women's Student Summer Institute. June 1992. (Sponsored by the Office for Student Affairs. I participated as one of the faculty advisors and coordinators of discussion.)
SHOUT (Honors Student Association). Film screening and discussion of Driving Miss Daisy. March, 1991.
Women's Discussion Group. Active participant. 1990 to present. (Presentation, February 1991. "Heroes in the Feminine?")
French Culture Day sponsored by Toledo Public Schools. Judge for Quiz Bowl. May 1989.
American Association of Teachers of French test. Administered and proctored exam, May 1990.
April 2012. Member of Program Review committee. Department of Foreign Languages, University of Nevada-Reno.
March 16 & 17, 2012. Invited as discussant for the three French films in the International Persian and French Film Festival, California State University, Fresno.
Reviewer for College Literature.
Reviewer for Cincinnati Romance Review.
Review of second edition of Vous Y Etes, December 1988, June 1989. (Review for publisher).
Interpreter for filmmakers Sarah Maldoror and Djamila Olivesi. During Common Differences Conference: Third World Women and Feminist Perspectives. University of Illinois, 1983.