John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Neff College of Business and Innovation Scholarships

Explore Neff College of Business and Innovation Scholarships

Over the years, a myriad of generous donors have directed their philanthropic efforts toward the Neff College of Business and Innovation. Many of the donations have been designated exclusively for scholarships for business students. As a result, the College proudly awards approximately $500,000 in scholarships annually to currently enrolled students for the coming academic year.

Criteria for the business scholarships vary greatly. For example, some scholarships are based on the student's major area of study while others are based on GPA, financial need, and/or rank. By completing one online application, students are automatically considered for all scholarships for which they meet the criteria.

Annually, the online scholarship is available between October through February 1st from a link that is available on this web page during that time frame. Scholarship applications are due each year on February 1st. 


The University of Toledo's Scholarship Search tool can be used to narrow down list and the "Save to List" feature to create a printable listing of relevant opportunities at UToledo.

The John B. and Lillian E. Neff Scholarship

The John B. and Lillian E. Neff Scholarship Fund will help to recruit and retain the brightest and most outstanding undergraduate students to the John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation at The University of Toledo. 

Applications will be available in November of each year and an interview process for finalists will be held in February.  A maximum of four students will be chosen each year as Neff Scholarship recipients.

Neff College of Business and Innovation Alumni Affiliate Scholarship

For students in the Neff College of Business and Innovation. Preference is given to students who actively volunteer with the College of Business and Innovation Alumni Affiliate. This scholarship is awarded by the Neff College of Business and Innovation Alumni Affiliate.

First Federal Bank Women in Business Scholarship

For female students pursuing a degree in business. The scholarship requires current FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to be on file in the Office of Student Financial Aid. This scholarship is awarded by the Eberly Center for Women. 

Lawrence V. Conway Business Alumni Affiliate Scholarship

For sophomore or junior students enrolled in the Neff College of Business and Innovation at UToledo. First preference is given to children of alumni of the College. The applicant must describe past accomplishments and any leadership roles he or she has played, including in campus activities (especially those related to the College of Business). Consideration will also be given to full-time students who are working and may be limited in their opportunities to participate in activities. This scholarship is awarded by the Neff College of Business and Innovation Alumni Affiliate. 

PNC Scholarship

For junior or senior students in the Neff College of Business and Innovation. Preference will be given to minority applicants, particularly students enrolled in the Toledo Excel program. Preference will also be given to students with involvement in campus activities and employment, and who are Northwest Ohio or Southeast Michigan residents. Students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and have a current aid year FAFSA on file. One typed letter of recommendation from a person familiar with the applicant's academic abilities is required. Students are also encouraged to submit up to two additional letters of recommendation addressing either personal qualities or academic ability. Alumni affiliation is not required to be eligible for this scholarship. This scholarship is awarded by the UT Alumni Association.

Frank E. Horton Presidents Club Scholarship

For seniors in their final year of their baccalaureate program. One typed letter of recommendation is required. Consideration is given to students who demonstrate campus and community involvement. The scholarship requires current FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to be on file in the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Sierah Joughin Memorial Scholarship

University of Toledo student, Sierah Joughin, was just 20 years old when she was taken from us in 2016 by a repeat, violent offender. This was a devastating loss to all who knew her, as well as to the University community as a whole. We want people to remember Sierah for all the good she was and for all the good that has come from her short, but well-lived life, not just her tragic death.

Sierah was about to begin her junior year at UToledo and was active on campus and involved in student organizations, including Alpha Kappa Psi. In her memory, The Sierah Joughin Memorial Fund was created to award scholarships to students enrolled in the M.B.A. program at the John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation, with a preference for individuals who are members of Alpha Kappa Psi.

Sierah’s life was cut short, preventing her from the opportunity to fulfill all her academic and professional goals, but this scholarship ensures her legacy is carried on by enabling other hard-working students the opportunity to fulfill their academic and professional goals.

To make a contribution to the Sierah Joughin Memorial Fund, please click here. Your support will ensure that Sierah’s light shines brightly forever. The deadline for new UToledo students is January 4th, and for continuing students, it is February 1st.

Office Of Student Financial Aid/Scholarship Services

Students may be eligible for other University of Toledo donor awards not specific to enrollment in the Neff College of Business and Innovation. A complete listing of all opportunities and requirements for UToledo and outside scholarships is available on the Financial Aid website.

*To make a gift or pledge to the College of Business & Innovation, please contact the Institutional Advancement Office at 419-530-2603.

Last Updated: 7/15/24