Student Experience Matters - Santiago Mendez
Hometown: Bogota, Colombia, and Toledo, Ohio
Graduation: Fall 2023
Major(s): Professional Sales
Why professional selling?
I love the idea of meeting new people and helping them solve their complex problems
by collaborating to a solution.
Work experience:
International Paper, Sales Associate
Men's Warehouse, Assistant Manager
Jos A. Banks, Assistant Manager
Student organizations:
None, I was focused on work to pay for tuition and living expenses.
What is the most valuable lesson you’ve taken away from the ESSPS?
Listening to your customer and being prepared will get you 80 percent of the way to
a sale.
What is the most valuable thing you took away from an ESSPS event such as Internal
Sales Competition, Sales Connection, UToledo Invitational Sales Competition, VIP Suites?
Being the weird unapologetic authentic you will resonate while trying to make connections.
I made the connections for my job by participating in these events. People love authenticity.
How has the ESSPS enhanced your understanding of professional sales?
It taught me that we are not there to sell product. We are there to provide consultative
services to issues that can be solved with our services.
What advice would you give to students to make the most of their ESSPS experience?
Participate and get involved in everything you can.
Favorite college memory:
Graduation. For me it was the culmination of a very long journey and completing a
promise I made to my dad before he passed away.
Plans for future:
Become the most successful rep at my complex and be in consideration for a management
role within 5 years. I also plan to get married this year!
Learn more about Sales Student Experience Support Club