The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales

Facts and Figures






Business professionals engaging on campus


Degree programs

As sales thought leaders, the Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales (ESSPS) provides innovations for our academic and business communities. 


Meet Austin Fisher

'20, Bachelor of Business in Professional Sales

“I shadowed full time sales representatives throughout the Northeast, including Buffalo(NY), Syracuse(NY), Portland(ME), Boston(MA), and Providence(RI) so I was able to experience a plethora of selling types and take back the strengths of each. This hard work and dedication allowed me to meet a wide range of personalities and form relationships with people from across many states.”


Learn more about Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales


USCA logo

The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales (ESSPS) at the University of Toledo is a founding member of the University Sales Center Alliance (USCA).  The mission of the USCA is to advance the selling profession through setting and monitoring sales program standards, sharing best practice, enhancing sales curricula, and preparing students for a career in sales.  USCA now includes 50+ university sales programs around the world.




Last Updated: 9/20/24