The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales

Alumni and Professionals

essps vision
The University of Toledo has had a professional sales concentration since 1990 and launched the major in 2000.  UToledo has degree and non-degree development options for different professional and educational backgrounds:

Entry level sales professional, subject matter experts, or career changer to sales:

Experienced sales professional:



Connecting with Alumni and Students

ESSPS alumni are key in helping to shape our current students and recruit new students to join the ESSPS. 

Leverage your network and sales skills to grow enrollments and engagement.

Share what you do in your part of the sales career lattice (ie: sales manager, senior sales representative, marketing manager, key/strategic account manager, etc) or in your selling context (ie: outside sales, products, services, manufacturer, distributor, etc) so current and prospective students can better understand what professional sales is and get excited about careers in professional selling.  Alumni make the videos using a provided outline of key points and upload it for review.  Openings are limited.  Use the Schedule Time with ESSPS Director button under Resources to learn more about the videos or contact ESSPS Director, Deirdre Jones.   

Be a virtual tour guide with high school students - Zoom in to join the ESSPS Director for introductions followed by placement into breakout rooms so onsite high school students and their parents can walk into the role play rooms to talk with you 1-1 or in small groups to ask questions and/or hear about your sales career.  Openings are limited.  Use the Schedule Time with ESSPS Director button under Resources to learn more about the tours and dates or contact ESSPS Director, Deirdre Jones.  

Job shadowing supplements for students who require introductions beyond our corporate partners/sponsors are also needed from time to time.  Please keep your profile and shadowing status current (see Resources below).

Mentor and coach students at the Sales Connection (fall and spring).  Talk with seniors who already have post graduation jobs secured.  Panel discussion topics include: how to fully leverage your college experience (classes, sales competitions, Sales Connections, student organizations, etc); what parts of your college experience and university sales program have impacted you the most now that you are working full time in the “real world”; stories of what came next in your careers, and how you have used your talents, resources, drive, and patience.  Time for Q&A is provided. Registration fee waived for alumni who work for ESSPS Corporate Partners or UTISC Sponsors and those who Zoom in for high school tours, or make career videos.

Alumni and professionals who are interested in recruiting, will need to go the corporate engagement route



fueling tomorrows


  calendar                        award                   money

Time, talent, and treasure from the business community and individuals combined with ESSPS faculty/staff make our collaborative impact possible.  ESSPS staff and operations are 100% externally funded.

We are grateful for our:

Last Updated: 7/18/24