The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales


The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales (ESSPS) at the University of Toledo hosts a number of outreach events throughout the academic year that are designed for our students, alumni, and business community to make connections for talent development & recruitment, strategic alignment, and sales force development.

Memberclicks calendar  - comprehensive calendar showing events and key dates for ESSPS, COBI, UToledo, select student organizations, and our partners/sponsors.  Access event details and handle registration for ESSPS events while in the calendar.  All calendar items are downloadable to your personal calendar.


Development & Recruitment - ESSPS


Onsite is the prime modality, however, most events can be done in part or in full online.


Exclusive Engagements - Throughout Year

Small group interactions between Diamond and Platinum Corporate Partners and select students.  The Corporate Partner selects the date, and the ESSPS hosts and organizes the engagement (breakfast, lunch, dinner, workshop, etc).  Special invitations will be extended to students based on interest and fit of the students and/or Corporate Partners. Engagements will be on/near campus or online via ESSPS Zoom (or the partner's internal platform of choice).  Food for online will be distributed via a Grubhub e-allowance.


VIP Suite (before College Job Fair) – September 26, 2024 and February TBA

Early and easy access before the college job fair for VIP students to meet with VIP partners.  No guessing what roles students are interested in and who the faculty/staff are impressed with.   VIP partner suites are shared and limited with invitations starting with Diamond, Sapphire, and dual partners/sponsors with ESSPS and UTISC.

vip suite 


Sales Connections – October 18, 2024 and February 21, 2025

Highly interactive workshops or panels with companies on career lattice, mindset, hybrid work, selling premium product/service, etc.  Students complete a survey prior to the event to share content preferences.  Includes an open networking lunch.

***Same day as ISC and UTISC***

sales connection 


Internal Sales Competition - October 18, 2024

Sales competition where the top available students compete and serve as ambassadors.  Recruiters act as judges, coaches, and buyers.  Access to student resumes are provided in advance to arrange custom coaching/interview assignments. ESSPS Corporate Partners only.

***Sales Connection same day in the morning through lunch***

isc role play


Corporate Coaching Sessions - November 4+5 and March 24+25

Corporate Partners (Recognized Recruiters pending student availability) interact directly with professional sales students in coaching sessions.  Corporate coaches will provide relevant and valuable coaching feedback for students in PSLS 3440 Sales (juniors) while also demonstrating a good coaching model for students in PSLS 4710 Sales Force Leadership (seniors).  Select opportunities to also coach peer/student coaches on their coaching. coaching


UToledo Invitational Sales Competition - NATIONAL - February 20-22, 2025

Smart companies are recognizing that younger college students have the skills, coachability, and confidence, and they want to find tomorrow’s super stars today.  Cast your organization into the rich waters of the UTISC for a higher probability of offer acceptance.  Avoid the frustration of trying to snag seniors who already have accepted jobs or have multiple offers on the table.

UTISC includes a role play competition, social media competition, career fair, development blocks (led by sponsors), coaching/interviewing sessions, entertainment, resumes, and more with 40+ universities and 120-170 of the nation's top and available collegiate sales talent!

UTISC and ESSPS are separate sponsorships (special bundles do exist).  Doing both greatly enhances your talent pool and gives preferred status within both sets of events and interactions.

***Sales Connection same Friday***

knock on role play room


Development & Recruitment - Neff College & Student Organization


Neff College Job Fair

Recruiters interact with all majors in the Neff College of Business & Innovation in a traditional job fair format.  The Neff College Job Fair is handled by Business Career Programs
Job Fair Dates and Registration

Neff College Mock Interviews and Resume Critiques

Recruiters interact with all majors in the Neff College of Business & Innovation to do mock interviews and provide resume critiques.  Mock interviews and resume critiques are handled by Business Career Programs.
Mock Interview and Resume Critique Dates

Neff College Skill Development Sessions

Business professionals from all disciplines interact with all majors in the Neff College of Business & Innovation's BUAD 2030 Executive Communication Essentials classes to help sophomore students practice their networking skills.  Skill Development Sessions are handled by the lead professor for that class, Barb Brotzki (



Strategic Alignment - ESSPS

Advisory Board Committees

Corporate Partners, select students, and faculty/staff meet 3 times a year to maintain strategic alignment and encourage networking.  Committees will focus on/meet in Research/September 18, Curricula/November 5 (same day as Corporate Coaching Sessions), and Outreach/March 24 (same day as Corporate Coaching Sessions).


Sales Organization Development

Professional Sales Certificate Program


Last Updated: 8/20/24