The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales

Corporate Coaching Sessions

November 4+5, 2024 - Onsite and Online
March 24+25, 2025 - Onsite and Online

Meet our new juniors and help to prepare them for a career in professional selling!  Students who are being coached are also eligible for academic credit on their sales internship after they complete PSLS 3440 Sales.  Select opportunities for coaching seniors from PSLS 4710 Sales Force Leadership on their coaching.  ESSPS Corporate Partners only; Recognized Recruiters pending student availability.

corporate coaching session


November 4 11:00-12:30, 4:00-5:30, 6:00-7:30 
November 5 10:00-11:30, 2:30-4:00, 6:00-7:30 (Advisory Board Curricula Meeting 12:30-2:30, includes lunch onsite or via food delivery e-allowance)
March 24 10:00-11:30, 2:30-4:00, 6:00-7:30 (Advisory Board Outreach Meeting 12:30-2:30), includes lunch onsite or via food delivery e-allowance)
March 25 11:00-12:30, 4:00-5:30, 6:00-7:30 
...times in italics are available onsite or online and have the most openings because they are for onsite or blended (ie: onsite and online) classes.  Other times are online only.

Parking registration prior to arrival is required, please email with your license plate number and state so ESSPS can register your vehicle.  To see a campus map, guest parking self registration, and other parking information, please see our Event Parking.


Corporate Coaches

Fall Blocks
Spring Blocks

Peer Coaches

Fall Blocks
Spring Blocks


How it Works

  • Modality Guide
  • Students are completing their information gathering role plays on October 28+29 and March 17+18
  • Read the Corporate Coaching Session Assignment Schedule that was sent out (around 1 week prior) and find the students you have been grouped with.  There are multiple session blocks, so please read the entire sheet to know if you have been scheduled for 1, 2, 3, or more blocks.  The schedule also includes the ESSPS Zoom meeting links for each block that is online.
  • Use the ESSPS Showcase's Role Play Channel (login credentials in your organization profile in Memberclicks, watch tutorial on accessing Role Play channel in the ESSPS Showcase) to watch the Information Gathering Role Play for your assigned professional sales students and complete an evaluation before the actual session.  Role plays are able to be viewed on mobile devices.  A copy of the role play scenario is sent prior as well.
  • Day of - Onsite
    • Check-in to SB 4100.  Extra evaluation forms, coffee, water, and snacks will be available.  You will be directed to your coaching location shortly before the class starts.
    • We will return to this room for the Advisory Board Meetings
    • Meet your professional sales students in your coaching location (see Assignment Schedule) and conduct coaching sessions using the role play recording and evaluation as relevant
  • Day of - Online
    • Click on the Zoom meeting link for your block.  Coaches and students will begin in the waiting room, and the ESSPS Admin will admit people to make sure everyone has showed up for the right block.
    • Wait for the ESSPS Admin to launch the preassigned breakout rooms.  Once launched, you may need to click Join to enter your private breakout room. 
    • Meet your professional sales students in your private Zoom breakout room for the Corporate Coaching Session and conduct coaching sessions using the role play recording and evaluation as relevant.  Screen sharing will be enabled; watch tutorial on being a Zoom participant. 
Sample Timeline Corporate Coach with
2 PSLS 3440 Sales sellers
NO PSLS 4710 Leadership peer coach
Corporate Coach with
2 PSLS 3440 Sales sellers
1 PSLS 4710 Leadership peer coach
11:00-11:10 Corporate coaches check-in Corporate coaches check-in
11:10-11:15 Students check-in
Directions and breakout rooms launched
Students check-in
Directions and breakout rooms launched
11:15-11:45 Corporate coach coaches* PSLS 3440 seller #1

PSLS 3440 seller #2 observes
Corporate coach coaches PSLS 3440 seller #1

PSLS 3440 seller #2 and PSLS 4710 peer coach both observe
11:45-12:15 Corporate coach coaches* PSLS 3440 seller #2

PSLS 3440 seller #1 observes
Peer coach coaches PSLS 3440 seller #2

PSLS 3440 seller #1 and corporate coach both observe

Corporate coach provides additional
feedback to seller #2 if/as needed
12:15-12:30 Corporate coach coaches both
PSLS 3440 sellers on working with a sales manager

Corporate coach coaches PSLS 4710 peer coach
on the coaching session they just observed

PSLS 3440 seller #1 and #2 both observe

*corporate coach can choose to spend the 60 minutes talking to both sellers at the same time about what both had in common in the role play and then go in to specifics unique to each seller.  The approach is up to the corporate coach.

Last Updated: 7/15/24