Rocket Career Center

The Washington Center

image of three female students walking in Washington DC on a bright sunny day. You can see government landmarks in the background.

Academic Internship Program Information for UToledo Students

The Washington Center Academic Internship Program is a holistic experiential learning experience designed to help you gain knowledge, skills, professional experience, and the network you need to launch a career you will love. You will participate in Washington DC for a full semester or summer session and will earn academic credit.

Program Components


Land an internship that aligns with your goals. We partner with hundreds of internship sites so that we can connect you to the opportunities that fit you best. 

You’ll apply to internship sites in our network and work with an advisor to identify the position that’s right for you. Once you begin your internship, you’ll be working on projects related to your interests, with a supervisor who cares about your growth and success. Learn more and see a sample of internship sites.

Academic Course

Experience classroom learning in a real-world context, one night each week. You’ll choose a course from a variety of options, so you can fulfill a requirement for your major or delve deep into something you’ve always been interested in. 

Our courses are often taught by faculty members who are working professionals in their area of expertise, making them a connection to learn from and network with. Learn more and see common course options.

Career Readiness Programming

Develop the professional skills needed to excel in any work environment. You’ll engage in a mix of workshops, sessions and networking events designed to complement what you’re learning at your internship. 

At the end of your TWC experience, you’ll come away with the tools to help you succeed in the job market and a professional network to get your foot in the door. Learn more and see sample workshops and events.


As a student participating in The Washington Center Program, you will pay UToledo tuition and fees in addition to TWC tuition and housing fees. Your financial aid and scholarship packages can apply to UToledo tuition as normal during the Fall, Spring and Summer terms. (You can use aid for all terms.) TWC offers an Ohio Student Scholarship and Housing Scholarship to assist with the TWC costs.

Students participating in TWC will receive two invoices--one from UToledo and one from TWC. You will receive the invoices directly and must make these payments directly to TWC and UToledo, respectively. You will be responsible for paying the entire TWC program fee minus any TWC scholarships you receive.

You must talk with your academic advisor and the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) about how TWC will fit in your major’s program and to know the costs before your application can be approved. We recommended that you meet with your academic advisor and Financial Aid no later than one week before the application deadline.

Student Check List for The Washington Center


  •  Verify your GPA is a 2.75 or higher
    • If not and you are still interested, you can still be considered, but there are additional steps.
  • Meet with your Academic Advisor
    • This is required before your application is approved for you to see how TWC will work with your plan of study.
  • Meet/Speak with the Office of Student Financial Aid
    • This is required before your application is approved for you to understand the cost of doing TWC and what you are financially responsible for.
  • Email UToledo TWC liaison once you’ve met with your Academic Advisor and the Office of Student Financial Aid.
    • UToledo TWC liaison will verify you met with your Academic Advisor and the Office of Student Financial Aid.
  •  Have your resume reviewed by a Rocket Career Center Student Ambassador (if you haven’t had your resume reviewed before)
    • This is to ensure your resume is in good shape before you submit your application

*If you are still interested in applying to TWC after you’ve met with your Academic Advisor and Financial Aid, you can then start the application process.


  • One page resume
  • Statement of Professional Interest
    • Write a summary (around 100 words) of what you’re seeking in an internship, the skills you’re hoping to develop and interests you’d like to explore. Please do not specify the name(s) of any particular organization in this statement, as it will be shared with potential internship sites.
  • Issues Essay or Writing Sample
    •  Write an essay (around 500 words) on a key issue that is relevant to the field you are hoping to intern in or submit a writing sample (around 500 words) from a previous course or experience.
  • Transcript
    • Transfer Students: The Rocket Career Center TWC liaison will need the student’s academic transcript showing the cumulative GPA from their previous institution(s). This will be averaged with the student’s UToledo cumulative GPA.

*The Rocket Career Center may request that you update the documents required for TWC’s application, such as your resume, before approving the application. In addition, your academic transcripts will be checked to verify that you meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.75.

Click Here to learn more about The Washington Center Academic Internship Program and to view the current program costs.

Headshot of Tony


QUESTIONS? Contact Us 

Demya Wimberly

Career Consultant

Student Union 1550D | 419.530.4454 | 

Last Updated: 7/15/24