Main Campus Testing Services

Testing Accommodations

Faculty may arrange for students with testing accommodations to complete their paper-pencil or computer-based tests at the Main Campus Testing Center. Ear plugs, noise cancelling headsets, or white noise machines are available, as are a limited number of assistive devices.

Only students registered with the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services are eligible for accommodated testing. Students may not elect to test at the Testing Center without a registered accommodation.

Faculty must submit the proper form in order for us to seat a student to test (even for computer-based tests). 

Please note the following:

  • A photo ID is required to take any tests
    • must be University or government-issued (Rocket ID, driver's license, state ID, passport)
    • must be a physical ID--digital ID is not accepted
  • Tests are filed under the instructor's name, not by course title
  • Tests will be administered according to conditions determined by instructor (time allowance, deadline, permitted testing aids)
  • Test times may not align with class times; students must arrive early enough to receive full accommodation time based on hours of operation
  • Students requiring the use of assistive technology should contact the Testing Center to assure availability
  • Testing Center staff has final determination of what is allowed into the testing room
    • Items not allowed in the testing room include: food, drinks, cell phones or any electronic devices (including smart watches), backpacks, purses, hats, sunglasses, wallets or key chains
    • Storage lockers are available on-site for these items
    • Cell phones must be turned off prior to storage

We act as a proctor for exams, and as such, exercise no control over the availability of your test, over the extension of test times and deadlines, or other parameters, such as the use of extraneous materials. These all must be noted on the form. Time extensions should also be entered in Blackboard for computer-based tests.

Last Updated: 12/10/24