Hazing Prevention: Collin's Law
As part of the University of Toledo's commitment to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment, members of the university community have the right to be free from all forms of hazing. The university has zero tolerance for hazing in any form and all members of the university community must conduct themselves in a manner that supports an environment free from hazing.
What is Collin's Law
Collin's Law is Ohio's anti-hazing act. It made several changes to Ohio law connected to hazing. Collin's Law:
- Expandes the definition of hazing and specifies that hazing may include "Coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse."
- Increases the penalty for hazing to a 2nd-degree misdemeanor.
- Expands the list of officials required to report hazing.
- Widens the scoop of those who can be punished for participating in or permitting hazing. (A violation that results in serious harm is a 3rd-degree felony.)
- Required that those aware of hazing report it to authorities, with penalties up to a 1st-degree misdemeanor for failing to do so.
- Required the Ohio Department of Higher Education to implement a statewide anti-hazing plan.
- "Requires staff and volunteers at colleges and universities to undergo training on hazing awareness and prevention." See, Governor DeWine Signs Collin's Law
What is Hazing?
Hazing means doing any of the following, or pressuring, causing, forcing, soliciting, or coercing any person to do any of the following for the purposes of initiating, admitting, or affiliating an individual into or with a student group or student organization; continuing or enhancing an individual's membership or status in a student group or student organization; or perpetuating or furthering a tradition or ritual of a student group or student organization:
- Engaging in any conduct prohibited by federal and/or state and/or municipal criminal law, regardless of whether an arrest is made, or criminal charges are brought;
- Take into their body any food, liquid (including alcohol), drug, or other substance that subjects the person to a substantial risk of mental or physical harm; and /or
- Cause or create a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to another and/or engage in any act or omission that contributes to the death of another.
How to Report hazing
If you have witnessed or have knowledge of a possible hazing incident, report the incident immediately to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards and/or contact the University of Toledo Police Department. Hazing activity can also be reported through the general conduct report. Reports may be made anonymously, although the University may be limited in responding to an anonymous report.
Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
University of Toledo Police Department
University of Toledo Anti-Hazing Policy and Violations Report
UToledo Anti-Hazing Violations Report
Mandatory Hazing Prevention Training
Collin's Law states that each institution shall prohibit a student who does not attend the anti-hazing program from participating in an organization recognized by or operating under the sanction of the institution until the student attends the program. An organization shall not accept or initiate any person who has not attended the program.
The University of Toledo has partnered with AliveTek, Inc. to provide an online training module for students, faculty, and staff.
Access the online training module here!
As part of the annual reregistration process for all student organizations through the Office of Student Engagement, each organization is required to submit a current roster for the group. Failure to submit the organizations roster will result in said organization not being recognized for the current school year.